It's a Home!

in Steem Sri Lanka9 months ago

We all have different peespectives on this world. I think home is one of the best feelings anyone can find on this earth. Home! It's sucha magical place. Fortubately I have few homes in this world. For me home is a place where we find love, affection protection and etc. Anyhow in a home we are accepted like ourselves without judgement. So recently I found an another home from Kaluthara.


It's my sister's best friend's home where she lives alone as her mother is in abroad. Several times she invited me to come to her home but I could not find my time to go there. This time I thought to go there during last week end. Both my sisters also joined. She has come to the railway station. Before going to her home, we thought to go to the Beruwala beach as our little one was continously requesting. Ignoring the cloudy sky we decided to bring her there for a while. It's an example that someone on this earth always following my path, being crazy about the sea,as well.


It was noon when we reached her house. She truly filled my week end with love and happiness. She has prepared meals for me, as I was the special guest there. Um so happy to see that she has accpted me as her family. She created me a home, a beautiful week end with lots of lovely memories!

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