Bus Stories!

in Steem Sri Lanka4 months ago (edited)

I was at the bus travelling from Monaragala to colombo. I got the bus at 5.00 am in the morning and I was so sleepy due to the poor sleep in the last night. Once I was awaken by the conductor to buy my ticket. Then I again I was awaken by an unknown reason and then I saw the sun is trying to coming to the earth through the clouds. At that time clouds look like a solid white colur glass with some breaks. May be it's like ice on the earth with tiny doors which show water underneath. That beautiful scene took my sleepiness away.


I was so bored to take a picture, but I enjoyed that scene. It was the first time that I saw that sky view. It was so beautiful.After few minitues sun escaped from that cloud bridge and kissed the earth. At that time I took a selfie of mine as the sun light was kissing my bus window.

Colombo southern express way is a long way which conisists huge variety of climates and cultivations beside the trees. Some times you can see paddy fields. Some times small houses beside the road. Sometimes peackok's and there are warning signs about them. Sometimes nothing except small grasses!

Whenever I travel, if um not sleepy I carefuly observe the enviorenment. I know, may be I guess about the amount of trees scarificed their lives to build this way. To be honest this is a blessing for me. I was fed up with 8-9 hour long bus journeys and I was never able to enjoy that long bus journeys, at the begining of my university days. Also it made a huge seperation between me and my home. Now it's a 3-4 hours of gap between us!
Such a blessing! Thank you for all the tax payers!


You can see the sun beautifully from the southern highway. My cam has lots of pics that I have taken of the sky when I'm travelling back n forth from home to colombo.

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