✨I'm back! Update on my life: We bought a house 🏡

in Steem Sri Lanka2 years ago

¡Bienvenidos mis Steemians

Welcome my Steemians!

Después de varias semanas desaparecida por acá, hoy regreso con una noticia super, mega importante para mi esposo y para mí, y es que ya ¡Tenemos casa! 🎉😁 Dios ha sido bueno con nosotros y nos ha bendecido con una vivienda propia, un lugar para iniciar nuestra vida matrimonial como es debido 🙏

Pensé que sería más sencillo encontrar un lugar, pero resulta que si tienes poco presupuesto, la búsqueda se lleva bastante tiempo, obviamente si tienes conocidos, capaz sea más rápido, todo depende. Para nosotros fué 1 mes completo, pero como el tiempo de Dios es perfecto, en ningún momento nos desanimamos, en su lugar disfrutamos todo el proceso.
After several weeks disappeared here, today I return with super, mega important news for my husband and me, and that is that we already have a house! 🎉😁 God has been good to us and has blessed us with a home of our own, a place to start our married life properly 🙏

I thought it would be easier to find a place, but it turns out that if you have a low budget, the search takes a long time, obviously if you have acquaintances, it may be faster, it all depends. For us it was a full month, but since God's timing is perfect, we never got discouraged, instead we enjoyed the whole process.


Nunca había estado tan emocionada por comenzar de 0 😁 En el momento en que Dios nos dió la bendición de tener una casa, nuestro presupuesto se limitó a la compra del inmueble, sin dejarnos la posibilidad de pensar en amoblar todo de una vez 🥵

Sin embargo eso no fué motivo de desánimo, sino todo lo contrario, cada entrada de dinero que conseguimos, nos organizamos rápidamente para ir ocupando los espacios vacíos.
I had never been so excited to start from 0 😁 At the time that God gave us the blessing of having a house, our budget was limited to the purchase of the property, without leaving us the possibility of thinking about furnishing everything at once

However, that was not a reason for discouragement, quite the opposite, every money entry we get, we quickly organize ourselves to occupy the empty spaces.


El primer día de compras nos enfocamos en todo lo relacionado a productos de limpieza, ya que, a pesar de que los anteriores propetarios dejaron el inmueble en perfecto estado, me sentía más cómoda limpiando todo en profundidad antes de habitar la casa. Así que bueno, comenzamos por comprar desinfectante, papeleras, un tobo, escoba, coleto, cepillo de lavar, trapos de cocina, y uno que otro implemento para la cocina.

Días después reunimos y compramos un freezer pequeño, todo con el fin de mudarnos rápido y pensando en que solo será temporal, al igual que una cocina eléctrica que para 2 personas está más que bien.

The first day of shopping we focused on everything related to cleaning products, since, despite the fact that the previous owners left the property in perfect condition, I felt more comfortable cleaning everything thoroughly before moving into the house. So good, we started by buying disinfectant, wastebaskets, a bucket, broom, ponytail, washing brush, kitchen rags, and one or another kitchen implement.

Days later we got together and bought a small freezer, all in order to move quickly and thinking that it will only be temporary, as well as an electric stove that for 2 people is more than fine.


Después se vino la lista de cosas super importantes que necesitaríamos para mudarnos, y al ver que nos sobrepasaba en cantidad, no nos dimos mala vida y sin darle mucha cabeza al asunto, nos fuímos a unos abastos chinos(que en cosas para el hogar son super económicos) y compramos vasos y platos plásticos, unos cubiertos, tabla de cocina, rallador de queso, y una que otra cosilla.

Y es que una casa necesita tantas cosas 🥵 Es abrumador nada más que pensar en lo que falta, pero respiro profundo y me digo: "paso a paso y sin apuro Gloria". Ahora entiendo la razón de que mi mamá proteja con su vida, todos sus envases tupperware 🤣

Then came the list of super important things that we would need to move, and seeing that it exceeded us in quantity, we did not give ourselves a bad life and without giving much thought to the matter, we went to some Chinese supplies (which in things for the home are super cheap) and we bought plastic cups and plates, some cutlery, a kitchen board, a cheese grater, and one other little thing.

And it's that a house needs so many things It's overwhelming just thinking about what's missing, but I take a deep breath and say to myself: "step by step and without hurry Gloria". Now I understand why my mom protects all her Tupperware containers with her life 🤣


Una vez mudados, mi mamá nos ayudó con algunas cosas para comer, pero debíamos ocuparnos de lo más importante: Hacer mercado 🤭 Así que nos tocó hacer otra lista con lo más vital, como todo unos adultos independientes 😅

Fué gracioso elegir las cosas y discutir sobre qué era más o menos importante, además de buscar como par de viejitos los productos más económicos 😅 Pasamos un buen rato, para qué negarlo.

Once we moved in, my mom helped us with some things to eat, but we had to take care of the most important thing: Market 🤭 So we had to make another list with the most vital, like all independent adults 😅

It was funny choosing things and arguing about what was more or less important, in addition to looking like a couple of old men for the cheapest products 😅 We had a good time, why deny it.


Aún nos quedan un millón de cosas por comprar, pero la experiencia hasta los momentos ha sido buena y nos hemos difrutado todo el proceso. Creo que este tipo de vivencias nos va ayudar a conocernos más como pareja, a reforzar la tolerancia y sobretodo a aprender a trabajar en equipo 💪

Dicen que cada etapa de nuestra vida nos deja un aprendizaje, por lo que espero que este nuevo comienzo nos ayude a seguir creciendo como personas, y con la guía de Dios, alinear nuestros propósitos como pareja.

We still have a million things to buy, but the experience so far has been good and we have enjoyed the whole process. I think that this type of experience will help us to get to know each other better as a couple, to reinforce tolerance and above all to learn to work as a team 💪

They say that each stage of our life leaves us with a lesson, so I hope that this new beginning will help us continue to grow as people, and with God's guidance, align our purposes as a couple.

Me despido por hoy. ¡Gracias por leerme!

I'll say goodbye for today, thanks for reading!

  • Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con un teléfono Redmi 8
  • Banner editado con la aplicación Canva
  • Foto editada con PicsArt



new life, change everything so beautiful.
You will live more mature and independent with a new home. we miss you after marriage you left😊

Hey! The feeling of having our own home, with more privacy and freedom, is truly comforting. I thank God every day for this opportunity 🙏✨

It's so so happy to see this biggest achievement of your life. Wish you a beautiful life in your new home.❤

Hey! Thank you so much for your good wishes ☺️❤️

I just wondered why you disappeared after wedding ;) ha haaa.

So new house new life..

Is this dog is also new?

Hahahahahaha... We were busy house hunting and then with paperwork. No, Bimbo(The puppy) belongs to one of my sisters, we are just taking care of him for a few days 😁 Maybe later we will adopt one 🤗

your hubby looks like Chris Evans 🙊

Seem to you? hahaha... I don't see it that way, but it's sure because we always live together. An outside perspective is better

So happy to see you with joy. A very important turning point of your life. Wish you every success.

Hey! Thank you for your support 🙂✨ beautiful wishes 🤗

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