A Movie Review – The Huntsman: Winter’s War

in Steem Sri Lankalast month


This movie is a American fantasy action-adventure movie, and it is prequel to Snow White & The Huntsman movie and this was released in 2016. This film is directed by Cedric Nicolas-Troyan and written by Evan Spiliotopoulos. Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Chastain, Emily Blunt and Charlize Theron plays roles in this film. Let’s go through the story of this film.

There was a queen, and her name is Ravenna. She is an evil witch and she got to know via the magic mirror her younger sister Freya got pregnant from a nobleman called Andrew and she got pregnant without marrying him. However, Freya gives birth to a beautiful daughter. The cruel Ravenna made trick and murdered Freya’s daughter and she used Andrew for that. Freya only saw this murder and her heart is broken and freezes everywhere and killed Andrew with her power. Her power has not emerged util this moment.

After this incident Freya leaves the kingdom and start to build her own kingdom in icy mountain in the north and lived as the ice queen. She ordered his soldiers to kill parents and bring their children to the kingdom. She trained them and made an army and taught them to avoid loving anyone because she wanted to protect them from the pain of love. However, the best two huntsmen of her army, Eric and Sara fall in love. They knew that their queen would not allow them to live together so they decided to escape from the kingdom. Freya got to know this and made a trick to separate them. She done a magic that shows to Eric Sara killed is by a soldier and Sara see Eric leave her in during the fight with Freya’s solder.


However, after few years, Freya got to know that Ravenna’s death and she wanted to find the mirror. She sends an army to find it. Snow white’s husband King William goes to know this and found Eric and told him to find the Mirror before it finds by Freya. If she got this, they knew that her powers would grow. In this journey Eric meets Sara and they get to know what happened during their last time at the kingdom and understands Freya’s magic. However, they able to find the Mirror but Freya came to there and take the Mirror with her and ordered to sara to kill Eric. She shoots an arrow to Eric, and she shoot her Eric’s necklace. She knows that he will not die.


After this Eric came back to ice kingdom again. Meantime Freya asks from the mirror who is the fairest of them all. At that time Ravenna came out from the mirror. Eric wanted to kill Freya, but it stopped by Ravenna. Fight started. Ravenna start to kill huntsman and start to kill Freya too. Freya protects huntsman by making ice wall. During that time, she goes to know that her daughter has been killed by Ravenna. The mirror told to Ravenna that her daughter become more beautiful than Ravenna and that was the reason to kill the baby. Freya and Eric understood that they only can defeated her by destroying the mirror. They did it but Freya hurts Raveen during this fight and she also dies. Eric and Sara are able to free and have chance to live together.

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