I love cats | 5% for SL Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Hello Steemers!

Lots of us love to have pets right. Because they can help us to be happy sometimes. The most common pets of humans are cats and dogs. 2 years ago our dog Kuku passed away. After some time cats started roaming around my house. Most of them (almost all) were wild cats. One of them became friends with my sister and she also likes it.


After some time it stayed at my home permanently. They can multiply very rapidly. It usually gives birth to 3-4 babies and it has done it 3 times till now. All of them were distributed among villagers. That’s how we get rid of them.


There was 4 of them remaining in my house. One of them was black. But suddenly it got missing. Now, mother and 2 daughters remaining. They are very like to comfort. For example, they sleep on our chairs. Sometimes they try to come to my bed also. When that happens I take care of them. Entering my room is the worst part of them. I really hate it.


The most annoying part of them is the meow sound. Meow sound multiplied by 3 is very disgusting. I wish that they never should have come to my house.


Correction: The topic of this article should be “I hate cats”

Thank you for reading!


Those wild cats are really cute. And important part is you love them....

Yeah. I love them very much. I keep them in my bed and i sleep on the floor.

You reaaaaaaaly love cats neh 😒.

😒😒😒😒 so why did you write this?😒 this means WAR

Ok. lets fight😂🤣

Previously I had a female cat as a mother, they look cute with their mother

Yeah, she is cute.

I have never seen cats with such marks on their heads

Here are them. The black one was more beautiful than these ones. But unfortunately he is no more.

All of them were distributed among villagers. That’s how we get rid of them.

Luckily they've welcomed them to their homes.

“I hate cats”

I love cats. 😐

I love cats too. At least I love my cat

Cats in same color. I hate cats too 😌
They are very annoying. May be they are the most annoying beings in the world after me. 🤣 they are good if they can stay still without cuddling around legs, and without making any sound.

With this I'm agree with you. Without these 2 reasons they are ok.

It usually gives birth to 3-4 babies and it has done it 3 times till now.

There was a cat in our neighborhood.. it usually gave birth for at least 5 kitten at once 🙊🙉

Yeah. Cats reproduce in a high rate. 🌝

eda group eke damma eka hinda man hithuwe kamthi ne kiyala.. hee heee...

Horata article eka kiyoola thiyenne😂😂😂 hora weda maattu wenawa😉🌝

mul tika kiyewwa. topic eka I love cats kiyala lassana photos godak damma kawuda danne awasne I hate cats kiyai kiyala.. hee heee..

He he😂

This cats also cute.😘 and they have especial colour.

Yeah they are beautiful. The behavior is not good😂

Of course. sometimes 😅

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