The evolution of the instrument system of an aircraft ||@dulip

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Hello guys,

On the last day of this week Sunday, I felt very bored because tomorrow I have to attend my classes. Although I have to manage all the things because this is the life circle. I know that you all have different stories and different thoughts about work and jobs, but to create a better future tomorrow we have to work hard today. Anyway today I'm going to tell you about the evolution of the instrument system of an aircraft and I think you may like this.

Instrument panel Source

Sometimes my friends will not agree with me on the topic of this article because in aeronautical terminology aircraft and airplane or aeroplane has different meanings but here I don't need to mess anyone so I simply select the above topic for my article. As we know the first aircraft or we called it "The Wright Flyer" was made by the Wright brothers made its first flight in 1903. At that time it hadn't been any kind of instrument for the pilot to get the information about the flight. After undergoing so many difficulties now we have so much advanced aircraft due to research and development.

Basically, we can classify the instruments of an aircraft into four sections, but in some books, we can find it as three because those are the major. Here I need to clear the whole area so that I used four classifications.

  • Flight Instruments
  • Navigation Instruments
  • Engine instruments
  • Miscellaneous instruments
Flight Instruments

These are the basic instruments which need for a safe flight. Sometimes we can find these flight instruments in T type arrangement and basic six arrangement. These flight instruments are also called blind instruments because these instruments are giving all the information for the pilot for safe flight and also safe landing without seeing the ground.
Those instruments are Altitude, attitude, airspeed, and heading.

Navigation Insteuments

These instruments guide the aircraft to the correct destination without any hazard, as we know when aircraft fly at about 20,000 feet high finding the way by visual methods and landmarks are not possible so in case of that we can say that navigation instruments have a major role. We can give examples for this category such as Gyro compass, magnetic compass and also autopilot system, etc.

Engine Instruments

This is the other major section because we should have to know the status of the engine when the aircraft is in flight. This is actually not a simple section but here I'm giving a very brief explanation because it will increase the length of the article. This area is also again classified into two areas such as operating parameters and monitoring parameters. When we consider the commercial aircraft normally N1, N2, EGT, EPR, and so on. Here respectively indicates rpm of the low-pressure compressor, high-pressure compressor, exhaust gas temperature, and engine pressure ratio.

Miscellaneous instruments

The instrument which does not fall into the above three categories belongs to this category such as pneumatic pressure, oxygen pressure, etc.

Glass cockpits Source

When we discover the history of the instruments we can find Analog dial instruments but nowadays all are converted into digital so that modern aircraft consists of "glass cockpits". This means Instruments interfaces are LCD or the latest versions of displaying techniques.

I think you have gained some knowledge from this article and please comment below about your ideas regarding the article. I'm planning to write part 2 of this article very soon. Thank you very much for your valuable time.

D 😉


Really interesting information bro. I have seen many buttons in aeroplane controls. Happy to see new display technologies are used for them.

Thank you for your positive feedback bro

create a better future tomorrow we have to work hard today


Useful article. Little bit techy but got a basic idea.

Thank you 🧐🙏


what's wrong with this dear😏😏 is little bit complex


Sometimes my friends will not agree with me on the topic of this article

Don't worry,I agree with you.😉

Thank you very much😁😁

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