Memory Upgraded

in Steem Sri Lanka2 years ago

Screenshot 2022-10-02 101112.jpg

Hello Steemers,

While we are working on devices like laptops and PCs we love to work smoothly if it is too much time-consuming then we expect that work will be boring so two months before my ram card got burned out I used to work with 6GB ram memory it was (4GB+2GB) 4GB one burned out and last two months I worked with 2GB ram it was really hard time I can’t even open folder while working with the web browser so yesterday I decided to upgrade my ram.

Due to the current economic crisis and the political unitability inflation rate is hiking daily. Currently, the food inflation in the country is 70% and it was at an all-time high and central bank blacklisted some importing items to save the dollar reserve of the country due to this computer parts price is also increasing day by day. previously I checked the price of a 4GB ram card is 5100LKR and I feel I can negotiate with 5000 so yesterday I again called them and the price is like 6300LKR. This is how inflation affects us so somehow I need this and I was able to barge this to 5900.


So they replaced the ram within 10 min. during that time I need to buy a new wired headset also I asked about Remax one because my previous one was also Remax and it was too comfortable didn’t even feel bud is in the ear so unfortunately, they stop importing those items and they said if we import that price is cannot be affordable. This is the current situation in Sri Lanka they said like in near future those prices are also about to increase again.
Somehow I changed my ram card and now my laptop working smoothly like before.

Thank You!


Can not imagine how to work with 2GB ram

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