Finding ways to be relaxed after a tiresome day | Sending my love to the Moon🥰

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

Today is actually a bad stressful day for me from the morning. We had the final presentation and viva in a subject in today morning. Though it is a group work, some group members’ contribution was so less. But still we managed to do the work on time. We had to do 5 group reports before and this one was the presentation and viva related to those reports.

We made our slides and practiced our parts earlier. So we were in a good mind for the presentation. But when doing the presentation, a thing that should not be happened has happened by one of the group members and I was the one who was affected by that. I was so hurt because that one deliberately did that fault and it was not the first time he did that kind of things. So from the morning to the evening, I was so upset and hurt whenever I remember the thing happened.

I watched two episodes of a drama but it did not help me to relax my mind. So after having dinner, I thought of drawing a picture hoping it would help me.


I have not gifted with the talents of drawing from the birth or learnt it. But I like to see and appreciate others drawings. Specially my sister @sandu comes to me when she draws a painting asking whether it is good. But from the childhood, I am weak in drawing. However today I felt like draw something. What is the wrong of doing something though we don’t have skills in it, if it gives us happiness?? So I started drawing my painting.

I have watched many videos of drawings in youtube when I was free and I have some ideas on my mind about it. I got their basic techniques but this drawing is my own work came from my own imagination.

I have a pastel box which I had bought earlier, so this was the time to open it. What I needed was some pastels, a paper and a pencil.


First I coloured the background in the colours as I prefer.


Then I blended the colours using a piece of paper. I have watched this technique in videos. After blending the background looked nice.


Then it was the time to draw something in the picture. I haven’t planned anything, but I got an idea of something interesting in my mind immediately. So I draw a sketch of it first.


Then I coloured it with a pencil.


But I felt that the pencil was too light so I went to sisters room searching for something darker to draw them as I knew that she has those kind of things with her. She gave me her all pencils and pens so I come back and chose the best one.

Then I darked the figured that I drew using that pen. As I hoped, it came well when it is darked.


I wanted to place some white drops on the picture but I could not find a white pen or something suitable for that.

This is the picture I drew looked at the end.


I know this is so simple and easy. But the relief it could give to me was not that small. It refreshed my mind and made me happy.

Now I am writing this post and hope to go to the bed after that. But if I did not draw this, I may have gone to bed with those negative feelings in my head. So I am thankful to this picture.

When looking at this picture, a name for it came to my mind. “Sending my love for the Moon” was it. Isn’t is nice??

So, my moon, this love is for you!!


Thank you for reading!


Woah it's a nice drawing😍
Please teach me to blend the colours like that. That technique is really good.

I will teach you🤗 It is soo easy.
Thank you inshi🥰

 3 years ago (edited)

I have watched many videos of drawings in youtube when I was free and I have some ideas on my mind about it.

I do the same. By the way this drawing is pretty nice. I love it. 😍
The moon will be so happy to accept your love. ❤

Thank you akka🤗

Yeah, moon is always happy to accept my love💕

I remembered your and malli's yaka faces during primary classes. 😏😏🙈🙈 this is far better than that.
you know when we draw a human in a picture, normally its features are somewhat similar to ourselves. now again look at the girl in the drawing. 🙈

(make sure to return my pencil case😜 )

I remembered your and malli's yaka faces during primary classes

Me too🤣🤣🤣 I could draw a grade 1 drawing when I was in grade 8.

this is far better than that.

Thank you😏💕

Yeah, after drawing I felt the same. The girl is so similar to me🤭

Look how changed the Homerun pastel box😂

Color blending was the main key for success of this drawing..
What's the youtube video??

Look how changed the Homerun pastel box😂

Yeah, but still I felt like a small child when I buy a new one😍🙈

What's the youtube video??

Search for pastel drawings and you will find many of those.

Color blending was the main key for success of this drawing..

No, it was my deep feelings towards moon😒

Wow Nice picture @dasuni 😍

So, my moon, this love is for you!!

Who is your moon?? 😌😌😌

Thank you akka😍

You know the answer😅🤣

Wait whaaat??😅🤭

Hi moon 😌🌙❤️🤣


nice drawing..

Thank you!!

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