Steem Sri Lanka - Contest Series | Round 02 | week 04 - Memories of 2020 : 2020 Experiences

in Steem Sri Lanka4 years ago (edited)


I'm so so happy to be part of this great Contest and to remind myself of some memories within this year. A lot has really happened this year, both good and bad, but we still struggle to make it among the living.
Today, I will be presenting my special memories of the year, 2020, most of which you will get emotional, but read and feel free to ask me anything.
Through this post, I want to summarize both my dad and happy moments to all steemians. I want to make a detailed summary of it.

I will Start with my sad moments first.

The COVID-19 pandemic.

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First, if anybody wants to remember the year 2020, the first thing that comes to their minds is the Coronavirus pandemic, causing a global crisis.
In my country nigeria, a lot of things really happened during when Coronavirus was severe. A lot of people died, world wide. This COVID-19 Cases alone has made this year a really tough one.
Anytime I thing of people who died of COVID-19, I feel bad and shed tears.
This same issue of COVID-19 halted so many things, like stopping international air trips, stopping so many sport activities, pathetic.
This is one memory my future children must hear about.

Federal Universities Strike in Nigeria(9 months strike).

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This is something that has never been done in this country before.
How can you ever imagine a country going on a 9 months strike and still counting. A lot of students have been left out of school for this period of time, doing nothing academically, is this good?
The worst part of it is that the strike hasn't been called off yet, and we still have a long way to go. This contributed to the challenges faced this year.


The year 2020 has truly been tough and rough. My dad's friend, gave up the ghost this same year around July. I couldn't stop crying. It was reported that he died of COVID-19 but no proof on it. What saddened our souls the most was the fact that he just got promoted in his work as a military officer. His death left us crying and thinking about him.

Lost My Friend, A course mate at school.

Just last month, my very good friend lost his life in a car accident. I couldn't believe it. Is this for real? I just called him the previous week and the next thing is he's dead. The truth is this year took a lot of people out of my life. I can't believe my friend, endurance is gone. This is one of my saddest moments. Endurance, May your soul rest in perfect peace bro.

The Endsars protest in Nigeria

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This was when the youths of NIGERIA stood up their ground to stand against police brutality and bad governance. They started everything peacefully, I mean a very peaceful protest. But when the corrupt leaders found out that these youths movement is getting massive support from lots of people and bodies around the world, they began to stand against them.
On 20/10/2020, the Nigerian government sent militaries to shoot at innocent protesters in lekki tollgate, Lagos. A lot of young people lost their lives. A friend in school also lost his life. That was the day a fellow Nigerian splashed the blood of a fellow Nigerian on a Nigerian flag, in Nigeria. Something that is totally against the Constitution. A lot died, a lot injured, a lot ran out away from home because of threat from corrupt leaders.
I cry anytime I watch videos of women crying for their list children who went out for a peaceful protest. It was very bloody in Lagos, Nigeria.

The Death of Black panther().

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The black actor, known as black panther also died this year. This was really bad. Our super hero gone for good. I felt bad. I cried also. He died this year also. 2020, why a year to remember.

I can't continue listing sad memories, let's go into some of my beautiful and happy moments in 2020.

Actually, I only have limited happy memories for this year.

When I traveled to my village.

Early this year, I was in my village. It was very very good for me going there. I made new friends, saw new things and learnt some traditional things.

when I bought my new Android phone.

Funny Right?? Actually, I wasn't having any smartphone. I had no way of getting a new one. The day I got my new phone was unexpected. It was a gift from my mom, a new Tecno camon 12 air device. I was very happy since then.

Like I said before, I really don't have much happy moments this year.

Thanks for reading my posts.


This same issue of COVID-19 halted so many things,

The whole world has stopped because of covid 19!This is the first plague I have ever experienced in my life and I think it will be the last one as well.😑

The Death of Black panther

A huge loss to the cinema!💔

And so sorry for your loss.

I really don't have much happy moments this year.

I don't think that many of us are having pleasant memories this year. May the world be healed!

Good luck with the contest friend!

2020 is full of memories!
Specially the panadamic.
It totally Changed everyones life.

I wish 2021 will be a more betterone for you!

I'm sorry to hear that you lost your firend😥.. This is not a good year to me also. So many sad things..

when I bought my new Android phone.

That's good..😍 You may have many benifits now.

And 9 month strike.😪😪 We also had 3 month strike last year. The also in last year the Easter day attack happened. Then universitis clossed for 3 months. Then total of six months delayed to end the graduation program😪

A lot has really happened this year, both good and bad, but we still struggle to make it among the living.

this is so true. 2020 is not a normal year. it is a year once in a life time!

This COVID-19 Cases alone has made this year a really tough one.

As a global pandemic, we all faced this and still facing. Still struggling but living.

A lot of students have been left out of school for this period of time, doing nothing academically, is this good?

very sad to hear. this is a bad year for education. 😢

The truth is this year took a lot of people out of my life.

I think many in the world had to face this within this year specially. May their souls rest in peace.
You have walked through so many sorrows! be strong. this will end up soon.

Early this year, I was in my village. It was very very good for me going there. I made new friends, saw new things and learnt some traditional things.

Something good at the end! learning new things and making new friends 😍😍
having a new phone also a good thing.
stay safe, stay healthy!
Bad things don't last forever. this will end up soon. 😊😊
thank you @chaalee for participating quickly. 😍😍

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Steem Sri Lanka | Contest Series | Round 2 | Week 4 | Recall Memories of 2020

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This year has been difficult for many people in the world.

The important thing is that we are alive and can build our future.

Greetings @chaalee

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