The Joy in Seeing Them Grow | 5% for SL Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago


Today morning I had a visit to our little tea cultivation with my father. It's not too far from our home and just few kilometers away. One year ago, it was just a land with few trees and bushes. But we planted some tea plants there as a little cultivation. Now they have grown little by little. I went there after a long time. But my father goes there very often to see them.


Even we have grown tea plants as the main crop, there are also a few coconut trees and king coconut trees among them. There were also some cinnamon trees have grown scattered among the tea plants. We wanted to remove them because those trees are stunting the growth of tea plants. So today my father sold those cinnamon trees to someone who bought cinnamon trees for money.


He came there and looked around our cinnamon trees. He just peeled off little bit from one tree and said that they are not quality cinnamon trees. They called as wali kurundu gas. He gave a little piece of peel to our father to taste because it's feel something like sand when biting the peel. But as he promised to my father he agreed to buy them for a reasonable price.


He cut the cinnamon trees and ready them to take. According to him those wali kurundu gas are growing very fast and they don't need any special conditions or fertilizer. I looked at how he removed the cinnamon leaves and cut the branches to take out. He asked father to remove the cinnamon leaves which fallen among the tea plants as they can toxic to the tea plants. I helped father to picked up them and thrown away from the tea plants.


After that I had a walk through the little tea plants. They are near to harvest. But there can be a little delay due to fertilizer problem these days in our country. However my father added organic fertilizer for them. There are also some pineapple plants ready to harvest. They are very fresh without any toxins or chemicals.


Along with them there are also some fruits trees like rambuttan. Those are not ripe yet. But I have seen many birds and squirrels are freely enjoying rambuttan fruits there due to absence of human beings. It is a great happiness to see our little tea cultivation and other crops are growing. Even it is a little land it has many plants and trees which give many benefits for us and birds also. I have spent lovely morning time there with green trees.

Thank you for reading 💚🍃


Don't tea plants need a cold climate? Seeing plants growing is very pleasure to our minds.

Yeah. The tea plant can grow from tropical climates to subtropical climates, but typically requires high humidity and heavy rainfall during the growing season.

Got it. Thank you☺️

Me provocaría tomar un agua de coco es súper deliciosa fría.

Yeah. I also love to drink them. 😋

You have grown tea.very good.Now I live in this village where cinnamon is grown.

Mmmm... Cinnamon also a good crop to grow. 🍂

Fertile land, anything that can produce and grow the economy, it turns out that tea also grows in your place. the condition of your village is very suitable for farming.

Yeah. We are still at the beginning of our tea plantation and hopefully awaiting to get the harvest. 😀

have to wait for that😀😊

They are very fresh without any toxins or chemicals.

yeahh. It is very tasty and can be eaten without fear as no chemicals are used

Of course malli. Home grown are the best 😀

It's always great to have a mid/ long term cultivation on our own!! I bet this will be your dowry!! 😅😅😅

I bet this will be your dowry!! 😅😅😅

Pissuda halo...
Are you kidding me 🤣🤣🤣

Lucky girl!! 😍 you have a tea cultivation!! Whenever I see tea plants they bring me a warm feeling. So I love them. 💖

Yeah. They are still young plants and have to wait more to get the harvest. 😀

When I see your tea plantation, its remind me my old wish. In my childhood I have wish to get a photo in the middle of a huge tea plantation..

Oh! Did it came true? 🙊

not yet dr.. still not

there are many types of trees in your land.
As I know, Cinnamon turns into "Wali kurudu" when it grows for a long time.

I also heard about that. But I don't know much about that. 🙊

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