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RE: How Steem has impacted my life - DRAFT

in Fuckit4 years ago


I was mentioned.

I managed to make this about me. Not you, me.

Okay, something about you too.

Your words make my day. Shit. That's not that much about you, that's more about me. I like your posts. Shit. Again it had an I in it. AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

Brain tickling.
Perhaps your brain is awesome.
Hope it survives more than 3 years.


I think it is all about me :) since your response would be a reaction to my post so it always about me haha. I hope my brain lasts more than 3 years if my body is alive, else that would be a bummer walking around brainless.

If the options were for me, when old, brains but no ability to walk or brainless walking, I'd choose the brainless walking. If me escaping some old folks home bugs the care takers there but I have no brains to understand it, it doesn't bug me and that's the most important thing.

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