Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: BLAST

Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: BLAST

Hello Friends!

I am very much sad that i could not take participate in last week battle challenge contest because of my nephew death but so this week battle challenge theme is blast yeah blast the enemies lineup with good strategy yeah it is one of my favourite word in splitnerlands battle field because every one want to blast the opponent lineup so blast the opponent lineup and share your thought about planing of battle at the time of selection it is the main theme of this challenge, but every week splinterands team change the theme of weekly challenge so we need to take participate according to every week theme, so this week battle challenge Theme is "BLAST" its mean you will use those card that has blast ability and you need to explain position of cards that why did you use these card in that position so it is very much easy to take participate in this contest . if you still do not have idea or information about this contest then you can read official post related this contest for detail information SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! Win Upvotes!


My lineup in this Battle

Dear splinterlands lover, i total played three battle with different plan and idea so i am lucky all three battle i won , my monster came back to land with victory flag in all battle i tried to play with different strategy but in one battle my blast card did not work but i was also winner in that battle also, so i have also question to expert that why did my blast card not worked in that battle, so here i want to also explain that it was my first time to use this card, i did not use that card before. may be i have no full information about the card placement but in video you can see last battle that in which my blast card is passive and not active, its did not make a single attack to opponent . so all expert after seeing number 3 battle in video , they will guide me according to their experience.

My First Battle Lineup



Here i am going to explain my battle line of first battle that i made to win battle with soldiers that has blast ability in fighting. i used DARIA DRAGONSCALE that is EPIC Dragon Summoner. It was big Mana game, and i like big mana game because i have good monster that are useful to use in big mana game. my first battle of high mana game total was 99 mana.

if you want to read description of this summoner then visit source link that is given below.

Daria is the only Gloridax summoner who is also a member of the elite Dragonsguard. Not only is she trained to summon the largest and fiercest Dragons, but she is herself proficient in all the arts of war. Daria is clever, quick, and beautiful. Though she carries the purest Fire Blood, she refuses to take a mate.source


It is my habbit that i use to place Chain Golem in big mana game. if you have Chain Golem option to use in battle and you do not use it, it is your big mistake but its does not mean that if game rule are supporting position of Golem chain abilities then you use this card, so if rule of battle support the Golem Chain then never miss to place this card at first or 2nd position so i used this card at both position according to game situation so in this game i placed it at first place because this plan was in my mind that if i use this card at first place then my blast ability soldier will try to damage 2nd position of opponent in this way ,if my Golem chain damage badly first position of the opponent then it will be very much easy to win the battle because my blast card will also damage the first position and their attack will also the blast the 2nd position too so this was in my plan to place Golem Chain at first place . hope you will like my this idea, so i was successful in this mission, you can see my opponent was also strong one .


I placed DIAMOND DRAGON Monster at 2nd place ,reason was this that it has ability to reduce the speed of all opponent side so it also has strong shield armour that keep this monster much safe from death quickly
It is LEGENDARY Dragon Monster so as i mentioned in my Golem Chain card that my first plan was to damage the first main position of enemy so if i am playing big mana game, and placing at first position Golem Chain then i need to a card that attack direct to life line of first position of opponent so Diamond Dragon has ability to damage the life line of first position very easily , so Diamond Dragon fought according to my plan and so because of its attack to first position i was able to get victory and in end of the battle i was winner. this monster did great support to Golem Chain to destroy the first lineup of enemy .


I placed GLORIDAX GUARDIAN at 3rd place, when i was placing it at 3rd place , i was thinking if my opponent killed the my 2nd card , then this card will replace the position of 2nd card will help the support the first card of my line up. because i have observed that many time opponent monster strongly attack to Diamond dragon so this was the reason of placing it 3rd place, but my enemy monsters did not attack easily to my 2nd lineup, but here i want to also share with you this truth that many splinterlands new user will think that GLORIDAX GUARDIAN is best choice to place at 3rd position so here i will tell you honestly , no no, 3rd position is not for GLORIDAX GUARDIAN monster according to my experience, if you want to get good result from this card in battle then place it always 2nd position, but if you have any strategy in game then it is up to you, where you place it, but best position is 2nd position to get result from this card. hope you got my point that why did i place this card at 3rd place in this battle. it is LEGENDARY Dragon Monster.



PYROMANCER is monster that has ability of Blast and blast is also theme of this week battle challenge. it is EPIC Fire Monster and has great ability of blast to destroy the first lineup of enemy with blast. when this monster attack to first position of enemy then with its attack also hit the 2nd monster too. so this card attack two monster with one arrow. so in this battle first reason to use this card was that it is the theme of battle challenge that very much necessary to use this ability card, but it is not only that i will use this card because it is theme, so i also have to win the battle, so point is that why and where , in what position i am going to place the blast ability card in battle, so reason of this card to place at 4th place was that i was in my mind that i would break the first line up of my enemy , so my first two monsters had same task, so my 4th card also had this task that it will also attack to first line up, and then its attack will also the damage the 2nd position card also. so in this way i can easily win the battle. so i say here with proud that my this card worked very well according to my thought.


GLORIDAX MAGUS has also blast ability it is very much heavy and strong card so my 4th postion and 5th both card had blast ability, both monster target and task was same as i mentioned in 4th position so if you want to read more description of this monster then visit lore page of splitnerlands site
it is great "LEGENDARY Dragon Monster".

Since the magic of Dragons has dwindled through the ages, the magic of the Dragonfolk usually needs to be enhanced and supported in some way. A Gloridax Magus uses many tools for their spell-casting, from stones and orbs to Dragonglass and elaborate magic amplification machines.source



It is COMMON Fire Monster and very much strong attacker , so i placed this card at the end , and i always keep this card at end in big mana game, so it is one of the best position for this card, in my view, i have no idea, other player what think about this card position. so reason of the placing this card at this position was only this that they will also attack the first position so my all lineup was in this position to kill the first line up of opponent side because i feel that if you break the first line and 2nd line easily in first or 2nd round then you will will be in position to win the battle so this card also attacked very well as i was thinking about this card. so my card position worked very well, and i got victory in end , hope you all will enjoy my first battle lineup and if you have any suggestion about my this battle or card position please guide me in this regard , i am student of splinterlands battle field , i love to learn and if i made any mistake in this battle please also guide me. i will be great thankful to you .


My lineup in 2nd Battle



in 2nd battle i entered with Daria Dragonscale. so same mission was in my mind as was in my first battle so i do not want to go in detail i already explained reason of the using this summoner.


in 2nd battle i placed Chain Golem in first position reason of its strong fighting abilities , and i placed at 2nd position GLORIDAX GUARDIAN so as you saw that i placed this card in first game in 3rd position, i told you in detailed what was the reason of placing this card at 3rd position in first battle, so in this battle i kept it at 2nd place, reason was same, so this game was not very big mana game, so in this mana this was to keep it at 2nd place, so it is best fight card at 2nd i told you all detail in my first battle line up so i do not want to revise that info here.

Again i used this blast ability card that is called GLORIDAX MAGUS so i would like to say here that it is hero of my all battle so it is theme ability card reason of placing in this mana this game was to blast 2nd line of enemy . so i was successful in this plan .

in fourth place i used Fire Spitter it is my favourite card and just i need to spend only 4 mana to get this card in battle, so it is my favourite card and its attack worked very well and helped to break first line up.


i placed wood nymph at last place because i was thinking to that this card will help to heel the health of my first card, so this tank heeler card did same work, so i liked this card to use in this mana game so it is COMMON Earth Monster.


My lineup in 3rd Battle



in this battle i will only describe my line up but i need expert help in this game , i placed chain golem first place, and at 2nd high priest dirust and 3rd place i used SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN

so this was my first three line up position in this battle.



first time i used GREMLIN BLASTER card in this battle, before i never used this card in my life, but i placed this card at 4th place ,but i want to know and it is my question to all expert that this card did not take or single attack to enemy, what was the reason, so i saw this card did not take participate in fight so i am very much worry, may be i did not place it in good position because it was my first time to use this card, so i need help about this card position and rule in which rule i have to use this card and what position, it is my 3rd battle, so you can check watch in above video that how this card is passive and why.

hope you all will enjoy my today post challenge, i tried my best to make it beautiful and helpful for new user and also old .



it is direck link to my this battle.

DIRECT LINK TO BATTLE :Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: BLAST



DIRECT LINK TO BATTLE :Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: BLAST



DIRECT LINK TO BATTLE :Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: BLAST


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I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew.

To answer your question about the Goblin Blaster.
With his melee attack he'll still need to be in the front to do anything... So you could use him like a chicken (knowing he's going to die), but depending on your other team abilities he could get a hit (and a blast) off before he dies... but it's a bit unlikely.

I think he's better suited to the Melee Mayhem ruleset (then he can attack from back that). Oh! And reverse speed... cause he's slow (which is why it's unlikely he'd get a hit off in the front line before dying).

Um... so... yes, he was in the right place, but only for Melee Mayhem really.

Look to using blasters with Magic in the middle positions. Keeping them protected is good. 🥰@carrieallen

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