Splinterlands Small Daily Battle Tips! – #02 – Magic Sneak + Opportunity

Hello friends, lovers of the best blockchain game. Today I bring you another team formation tip for Splinterlands battles that has been very efficient for me and has given me countless victories.


The idea is to use a card with Magic Sneak Attack that will be complemented by an Opportunity Attack. The goal is to make these two cards work together.

Sneak: Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster.

Opportunity: Monsters with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health.


It is a great strategy for battles with little mana using the Earth splint, and its standard configuration is Goblin Sorcerer + Screeching Vulture.

Both have good speed: 5 points, and because it the magical Goblin attack first, reducing the life of the card in the last enemy position. This makes Vulture almost always aim and attack this card, creating a double Sneak.

Watch the battle, and this will become clear:

Battle: @marianaemilia vs @monstermother

This could work with another Sneak Melee Attack card or Opportunity, but Vulture still has Flying and Scavenger for only 3 mana! While the neutral Parasitic Growth, for example, is slower and uses more mana.

In the Water splint, the same combination with the Coral Wraith + Feasting Seaweed pair is possible, but both spend more mana and are slower, which is still a good option in the Reverse Speed ruleset.

Vulture became a little less effective after the advent of summoner Millor Crowley, as he can suffer from Thorns scratches.


Therefore, whenever possible, we should add the Khmer Princess card to provide Triage and recover your life.

As he owns Scavenger, he can still survive and be decisive in these adverse conditions.

Let's go now for another example. In this battle, we have a plus that makes the strategy even more efficient: Shin Lo!

Battle: @marianaemilia vs @shoemanchu

Ok, I know that this card is rare and extremely expensive, but the point here is can observe with greater clarity the functionality and efficiency of this strategy.

See below all the cards that have these abilities, and if you prefer, you can filter for the specific League in which you intend to play, using this site: Kiokizz Filter Cards by League



I hope you enjoyed it, and it was helpful. See you at the next quick battle practice tip!

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Images: @splinterlands

Mary Emily


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