Legendary gold foil reward cards exist!

I've been playing Splinterlands for a long time and after completing hundreds of daily quests and receiving thousands of seasonal rewards, I was already getting suspicious, as I never received a legendary gold foil card.

Screenshot_2020-04-29 Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle .png

This season the magic happened and not just once! I was awarded a GFL Reward for the first time, and it was a Zalran Efreet.

Looking later at random for my cards, I realized that I also have a Spirit Minner gold foil!


It was a surprise because I do not remember receiving it, it must have been in one day that the reward gave an error in visualization and I didn’t check.

I was very happy with these 2 new acquisitions that make me have the courage to continue on this journey, and the certainty that by persevering and working hard, at some point the luck will come and I will be rewarded.

Images: @splinterlands


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