SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! Pit Orge Special :: My Entry

in Splinterlands4 years ago

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Hello My fellow Splinter warriors!

This is my first post on Splinterlands : Share your battle weekly challenge and I am really excited about it!

..and this week's challenge is to win using Pit Orge! (Contest Post link)

I was probably living under a rock. Maybe that is why I didn't hear about this challenge trend going on lately and haven't taken part in any of the previous Share Your Battle Challange. Last week I was surfing around splinterlands posts and got my eyes on one of my friend @xawi post about this challenge. I liked her post about Naga Windmaster very much and was excited about making my own posts on these challenges every week. This week the challenge is about sharing battles using Pit Orge, An angry brawler who gets angrier when getting hits by other monsters.

Now, months before when I bought a Maxed out Pit Orge Alpha edition from the market .. I didn't think much of it, the only reason was that I got it at cheap price. Unluckily, I don't even have a max FIre monster to use it, my Alric is of level 7 ... thou I have maxed out Daria Dragonscale, I don't find it better to use a 4 mana summoner when you can get the same +1 melee power using 3 mana fire monster.

On the other side, Pit Orge is not that useful when you have Serpent of the Flame, Cerberus or Serpenting Soldier. At level 8, it carries 4 attack, 4 speed and 10 health, which is pretty weak when you are spending 6 mana for this brawler. But, there are certain conditions where it can be useful.... specially when playing reverse speed, melee mayhem and super sneak matches with high mana caps.

Exclusively for this post, I tried to give my Pit a golden chance to prove himself again on the battlefield. He also was faded up with his life, even goblins were trolling him as he is such a useless card that even his owner forgot him totally.. lol XD

Ok, so let us focus on my Fire cards first... It's a bit tricky when you have to win a battle at Champion Tier using fire decks and moreover when your Pit Orge has already eaten 6 mana. Maybe I have to wait till the season end to play this challenge at Gold or Diamond tier??

Taking a look at my fire alpha cards...

...and not to mention my fire gold collection. I have managed to make some gold level cards. I wish to make them max soon alongwith my alpha level 7 fire summoner.

Now, Those are the main cards I use for fire deck. I also have a beta level 5 Serpentine of the flame and some other low-level cards. Moreover, I can rely on my Nutral cards which will assist at their utmost to give me a win at the battlefield... I have a level 8 Elvin cutthroat (sneak), level 8 Grumpy Dwarf (reach) and a level 8 Goblin mech (tank) who sometimes save me from the big waves. I also have a level 8 Highland archer, level 7 cocatrice and a max Lord. Depends on the type the match I may use some of those...

Now let us start our battle mayhem and let's see if we can snatch a victory in the bloody battlefield.

My guess was right, I had to wait till the season end cause I found it hard to battle using fire deck at Champion tier. My fire deck is not that strong ;)

So, after the season end, I tried to play with fire and after 2 or 3 matches, I got what wanted.

It was a Silenced Summoners + Healed out match. I was planning on a full attack. I used exploding dwarf at the front so that it can damage the tank card and the reach card. I lined up the Orge and the giant rock after it and followed by 2 sneak monsters Kobold Miner and Elvin Cutthroat to destroy the last cards of opponent. I put Cyclops at the end like a tank card to the end. If the opponent uses water, then I hope my dwarf will at least perform 1 attack to destroy the tank, possibly a Lord, if it breaks the shield, the orge may do some real damage upon it.

But my guess was not right as the opponent used life splinter on me. But as you can see, both of our summoners were powerless because of the match rule. So, he also didn't receive the shield.

You can watch the battle here. Link

So, as you saw, my opponent @pompe72 used A Silvershield Paladin at the front followed by Silvershield Warrior and Armorsmith. He used 2 sneak cards Feral Spirit and Silvershield Assassin and at the end, he also used cyclops as a tank card. It's a good defensive deck with sneak power. Now let's see what really happened in the battle.


The hero of this battle is clearly the Exploding Dwarf. For his high speed, he dwarfs manages to evade multiple attacks by my opponent while my sneak soldiers were doing their job. Lastly, the pit got it's turn and killed the wounded assassin.


That's it! I won! Oh God, that was hard... but at last Pit Orge proved himself that he is not useless, right? In the match, my opponent used most of his cards with low speed and that made me win the match even without using not so strong cards.
I really enjoyed the battles today as it was more challenging than the normal battles. I will try my best to enter every Share your battle Challenge from now on...

I hope you guys like my post today... See you at my next post.

Monster Market:

If you are a Splinteraddict just like me ... You can visit Monster market for buying cards and packs. They are giving out 3% cashback on card purchase and 2% cashback on PACK purchases.

Monster Market Website

Monster Market Discord

Heron :

If you are a good deck holder but don't have time to play, you can list your account on Heron and earn from your deck... Same goes for players who want to play with another good account to earn more DEC, you can contact in heron.

Please follow the below links:-

Heron Website

Heron Discord

If you like my post, please do leave a reply.

That's it for today! See you soon in my next post...


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This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.

Where have you been?!?! 🤣
For real though, this is a GREAT post.
I LOVE how much you talk about all the things. And the formatting! All of it!

Now, your battle: Like whoa. That was quite the show. The Exploding Dwarf gif you made is awesome! So many misses! I would say he's the star this time.
The Pit Ogre... I think it's great in the most perfect situation... but sometimes it IS hard to find that perfect situation.

So glad you found the challenge!


You have been manually curated by the @splinterlands / @steemmonsters team for the SHARE YOUR BATTLE WEEKLY CONTEST!

Thank you for SHARING your Splinterlands content with the world! The more the merrier!

Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!

Haha! Thanks for reading my longgg post. 😂😅😅
I thought I was too late for the challenge post but thanks God! Thank you friend for the awesome support. It has energized me to partake more challenges!
Btw I am already thinking about the new n unique challenge theme. I play a lot of games outside steem universe, so it's an awesome match for me... 😄

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