Splinterlands - Weekly Share Your Battle Challenge with BLAST Monsters

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hello battlers,



The trend of selecting an ability of a monster instead of the monster itself continued this week as well in the Splinterlands Weekly Share Your Battle Challenge.

This week, the ability included is BLAST, the ability to hit 2 monsters in each round with blasting.


We have blast monsters since alpha editions itself like Elemental Phoenix, Gold Dragon, Lightning Dragon, Fire Demon and Screaming Banshee which are then joined by Rewards cards Ruler of the Seas, Pyromancer, Pirate Archer, Gremlin Blaster, Exploding Dwarf and promo card Electric Eels and now, Untamed monsters High Priest Darius, Gloridax Magus, Pyromaniac and Fire Elemental.

Ah, I hope I haven't left any blasters ;)

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Battle and Lineup:

I was fortunate enough to get an Equalizer and Melee Mayhem battle and the combination of these 2 perfectly suites usage of blast monsters and who else other than Master of Blasters or simply Masterblaster Exploding Dwarf will suite for this kind of battles?


Although it was on a lesser side of Mana cap, 20 was enough to accomodate the monsters I had planned for this Equalizer melee mayhem battle including the ever blasting Exploding Dwarf for a win.

My detailed lineup is as below with the reason why I used:

1. Serpentine Soldier:


My level 3 Serpentine Soldier comes with shield ability with 2 melee attack and is my best bet for a melee mayhem battle to withstand melee attack for some time.

2. Giant Roc:


As usual, one down or second position monsters mostly will be the ones with Reach ability and this one being with same ability and also since it's good melee attack of 3.

3. Exploding Dwarf:


My favorite blast monster although it has just one health, but this being Equalizer battle, gives it more than a health and it's 4 melee attack is always tempting to use whenever there is an opportunity.

4. Kobold Miner:


Used this for checking the back end attack and also since only 2 Mana was left to fill.

5. Furious Chicken:


A last monster in most of the lineups as it's a free I mean Mana less monster :)

And... the opponent had used Fire Splinter too with monsters Cerberus, Molten Ogre, Furious Chicken, Creeping Ooze, Flame Monkey and Kobold Miner.

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Round 1:

I was hoping for +1 attack usage for Fire Splinter usage, but opponent had other plans with using Molten Ogre in his lineup.
This being an Equalizer battle, there wasn't any loss of monsters from both sides.


Round 2:

There were no casualties in this round as well, but Cerberus and Serpentine Soldier were living dangerously with 2 and 3 health respectively.
Couple of hits and misses from both sides were the reason for that.


Round 3:

Both front monsters were the first to lose out in this round and opponent's Molten Ogre was left with just one health by the end of this round, it was still a daunting task with so many small health monsters gaining prominence courtesy of Equalizer battle.


Round 4:

Molten Ogre's exit early in this round made my monsters regain +1 melee attack and the battle got more livelier with that!!!
Although I lost Furious Chicken in this round, battle was still under my control with 3 good monsters Giant Roc, Exploding Dwarf and Kobold Miner still on my side.


Round 5:

Things got speed with Furious Chicken removed early and opponent's Kobold Miner was left with 2 health by the end.


Round 6

So far, it was like one monster losing out in each round, but this round saw end of 2 monsters for opponent and the monsters were Creeping Ooze and Kobold Miner.


Round 7:

With Flame Monkey only on the lineup, and me having 3 monsters, it wasn't much to finish it off and win the battle.


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Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes, the lineup was good for the battle types of Equalizer and melee mayhem and for 20 Mana cap, I couldn't have lineup anything better than this.

Do you use BLAST often? Why or why not?

Definitely, whenever there are Melee Mayhem or Super Sneak or **Equalizer battles are there, all melee attack blasters will be used.
The reason for their usage is very simple, they finish the battle early!!!

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I hope you guys are enjoying the Splinterlands battle from HIVE nodes and I haven't found any issues so far and enjoying the battles as usual :)

I didn't get any Legendaries or Epics in my season end battles, so, there was some disappointment, but it's normal sometimes and I am back battling again with a daily quest due in few hours.

Take Care Guys and Be Safe :)

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