My favorite thing to do on Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi there!

I hope you are doing great.

I definitely can't have DECs under my belt because I always end up doing the same thing. Whether I win them in battle, get them through card sales or buy them, I always end up wanting to buy even one pack of cards. I just love it.

Definitivamente no puedo tener DECs en mi haber porque siempre acabo haciendo lo mismo. Ya sea que los gane en la batalla, los consiga a través de la venta de cartas o los compre, siempre termino queriendo comprar aunque sea un paquete de cartas. Simplemente me encanta.



Recently I was selling some of my cards (again) and with some of the money raised, we decided to buy some Azmaré dice. When I open the packs I feel the same as when I used to buy packs of cards at the newsstand to fill an album. We had to buy only Azmaré Dice because the Untamed packs were already sold out which made me very sad. It is my favorite series so far.

Hace poco estuve vendiendo algunas de mis cartas (de nuevo) y con parte del dinero recaudado, decidimos comprar unos dados de Azmaré. Cuando abro los paquetes siento lo mismo que cuando compraba paquetes de cartas en el quiosco para llenar un álbum. Tuvimos que comprar sólo dados Azmaré porque los packs de Untamed ya se habían agotado, lo que me entristeció mucho. Es mi serie favorita hasta ahora.


The rewards for this pack were pretty standard but the feeling of anticipation was the same. I think I'm going to collect only the cards I like but I haven't decided yet. I've had really good cards that I've then sold and I don't want to regret the same thing again. I recently sold a beautiful golden summoner that fascinated me and I can't stop thinking about him every time I log on to Splinterlands. I also really miss seeing the Ruler of the Seas in my deck, which by the way if I remember correctly I sold to @kenny-crane. It was my favorite card back then.

Las recompensas de este pack eran bastante estándar pero la sensación de expectación era la misma. Creo que voy a coleccionar sólo las cartas que me gustan, pero aún no lo he decidido. He tenido cartas muy buenas que luego he vendido y no quiero volver a lamentar lo mismo. Hace poco vendí un invocador dorado precioso que me fascinó y no puedo dejar de pensar en él cada vez que me conecto a Splinterlands. También echo mucho de menos ver al Gobernante de los Mares en mi baraja, que por cierto si no recuerdo mal vendí a @kenny-crane. Era mi carta favorita por aquel entonces.



Do you like collecting cards in Splinterlands?

¿Te gusta coleccionar cartas en Splinterlands?


Thanks a million for stopping by.

Lots of love,


Screenshots from Splinterlands.



Yep I bought the Ruler. One of my favorite cards too! I think I combined yours into a higher version of mine. it still serves me well!

Good luck in all your pack openings and battles! :)

Thank you so much!!!
I even had a gold sacred unicorn. Can you believe it? 🙈🙈🙈 But I must admit that the money was very useful when I sold it 2 or 3 years ago.

You really have a nice set of cards! I wish I have that too

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