Please help me. I need just a fraction of 'Voucher' to purchase one splinterland pack.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Greetings friends!


Splinterland is rewarding holders of steemmonster cards and DEC by providing them SPS which are being distributed to the players through airdrops. They again had decided to holders of SPS through providing them an opportunity to buy splinterlands chaos legion packs in pre-sale of the cards. For pre-sale purchasing one have to have enough cryptos or DEC or SPS and also needs one voucher for each pack. Vouchers was distributed for holding SPS tokens and voucher rewards ended on 16th of this month. So, no player will be able to buy packs unless he/she have not enough voucher, no matter how much other crypto he/she have.

(Please read description in the above screenshot)

Luckily, vouchers can be sold or transferred. I have purchased 6 packs and need just 0.35 voucher for buying the next one. If any of you have surplus voucher or even some fraction of it. You can transfer even 0.001 voucher, a small fraction of your surplus voucher portion, to me. It will help me to purchase a new pack.

Please help me. You can transfer it to @akdx account.


ops! Just saw your post, If I was aware of this I will send the amount I had 0.351 which was useless for me because I am unable to buy packs from the splinterlands directly and unfortunately I bought 11 chaos packs at the price of the 20 Hive - Hell.

But now the new chaos doesn't require voucher:(

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