“My steemundo” contest #19:Homeless animals, the street is not a good place, the street is not a home!!

in Mi Steemundo3 years ago

Animals are living organisms that feeds on organic matter.Human beings are also considered as animals.Most animals such as goats, sheep, dogs, cattle and even cats are not cared properly .They are left alone to feed themselves and their babies.They now go round entering different houses and mostly on streets to find food.Some human beings are so wicked that they will use sticks on them and even hot water.Animals on the streets are really suffering, no food, shelter, always loitering about. It's sorrowful when it's even raining, the rain will beat them and due to the coldness, some of them may fall sick and even die.
This reminds me of my pets. I found this puppy outside our house someday after it finishing raining, this heavy rain beat it to an extend that u could see it shivering.It was really feeling cold.I took it to my house, feed him and i make sure it feel at home. But guess what, the puppy died after a serious sickness.It wasn't eating again and i did all i could, if i force to feed it , it will only take small. I was worried and even sent it to the veterinary for some medications.It looks better and later on passed away.
It was sorrowful but am still wondering who the owner will be.oneday,I even witness a cat being knocked by car on my way to the market.The driver didn't spare it. He smash it on the ground and the cat just died instantly.Approximately 2.7million pets are killed every year because of shelter. In fact, the street is not a good
place.so keep your pets safe and treat them properly.
You can also adopt them if you find them on the street, even though they are stubborn sometimes but they are friendly to be with and we can also educate the rest like your children or even family members on this.We can donate food and shelter to the homeless animals.We must love and keep our pets to save their lives.

I invite @illy123 @calipo09 and @mukadas to join this contest.
Thank you all for reading


Totalmente ciertas tus palabras, los animales en la calle sufren demasiado, Gracias por participar 🐾Tienes la entrada #12

Thank you

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