Has David De Gea made a move to PSG?

So there's been a lot of speculation as of late about Java here possibly moving to PSG from Manchester United. And in today's my write, I'll be talking about the possibility of this move happening and how it will impact PSG manchester united and David De Gea here himself. But of course.

Hey everyone, welcome back with more regular football slash soccer news, wherever you are from in the world and whatever you call it, and this is a big deal if it ends up happening.

Delta hair has been heavily linked to PSG for quite a while now. Look. Now I don't know if this is true in 2021. You don't know what to believe in the world of football. I personally don't believe a transfer is real until I see the player on the pitch wearing the jersey himself.

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Don't forget that Manchester United, three years ago, supposedly, we're going to bring back Cristiano Ronaldo and get Jaden sansho look to three years later, we still have more shell up front. It's not always real. But you know what, if this is real, this could be a big move for absolutely everyone. And let me just say if Doubleheader leaves Manchester United when he leaves, whether it's six months from now, two, three years from now, I hope he leaves with the legendary status for what he has done at Manchester United is absolutely incredible, staying for a decade just over a decade.

And don't forget, he was considered the best goalkeeper in the entire world when he had full Jones and Chris Smalling ahead of him. And on a good day, Marcus roho, whenever he leaves, I hope he leaves as a legend, one of the best in the world and absolute superheroes.

this could be a very real thing who here leaving Manchester United for PSG? Now I do one man I feel so sorry for his kalo nevus. Don't forget whenever I was at Real Madrid, they'll always linked to dev Adair here now that he is at PSG. I mean ever since thing PSG have been linked to dump into here pulchella nervous is he absolutely just not enough for anyone? I feel so sorry for him. But Davide here I feel like he is still an incredible goalkeeper.

But of course i as i mentioned not to feel seen someone or feel someone's at risk as of late knowing that within Henderson between the posts. I think Dean Henderson could do enough if Nevada had ended up leaving now I do I think that Nevada has absolutely finished and Manchester United Absolutely not. He's not even 38 or is just approaching 50.

And as we know top goalkeepers you can keep until they're 34-35 years old, or in a rare case of blue fundamentally is like 162 but who have the one problem I find with Aveda hair is the fact that if we keep them for four or five years, I don't think we'll be able to hold on to Henderson and that is a big problem because Henderson has really created a name for himself and if he leaves it will be for a top six maybe a top eight team. He is that good. And I feel like the most realistic option for him is probably Tottenham Hotspur is because they also have a bit of an older goalkeeper. And I don't want to lose Henderson to a top rival like that.

So you know in order to not do that, we might have to get rid of dravida here and now do I think this will benefit them with their hair? I think possibly I think he's done pretty much everything that he could at Manchester United. He has been incredible throughout his whole career. But if he moves to PhD, I think that's not guaranteed but it's almost certified another trophy. I think he can build more trophies in his cabinet and I think he said a fantastic career overall.

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Loki has fallen ever since the 2018 World Cup. Cristiano Ronaldo I don't know how you did this, but you broke my boy with your free kick out you.

But ever since then looked up the hair might not have been the same. But this season. I think he's been remarkable make some steak every now and then. But he's definitely not done at Manchester United saying that will it benefit Manchester United, I think big time. If you pay enough to sell double the hair. I think that it could definitely be a good idea because the other day. Hey, as I said probably still four or five good years ahead of them.

You could probably get at least I would say 40 to 50 million out of them at this age, at least and that could be huge for Manchester United, especially if they consider selling the likes of Marshall and maybe lingered to West Ham United.

If they can do that they can rack up probably a good 100 million and buy a solid striker brand. As I said I'm not too worried about a replacement goalkeeper because Dean Henderson has got what like two or three clean sheets in a row versus big opposition. Don't forget he just got a clean sheet versus Manchester City and I feel like the deciding factor will be against at Milan in the Europa League.

If he Get a clean sheet then then I'm 100% confidence in Dean Henderson's ability and in terms of a backup goalkeeper after that, we still have Sergio Romero. Don't forget, I feel like we have been heavily disrespectful to Ramiro in this Manchester United team. He has the best save percentage per game, compared to any goalkeeper Manchester United have ever had. And I feel like people overlook that statistic. We can still probably have Ramiro for two, three years, and even then two, three years old, you need to raise another really good player from our academy.

Don't forget Manchester United have raised some of the best goalkeepers currently in the world through their academy, so to three years, it's all we have to look after. And I don't know how much manchester united will sell double the head to PSG for if it is a real transport once again, because you know what? speculation rumors I don't want to trust any transfer fee, but I feel like this could be really beneficial to both manchester united and Aveda here now, do I think this will be beneficial to PSG in terms of their Champions League cups? I'm not going to talk about league hopes because even though they're not dominating this year in the league one I think their priority is the Champions League.

I'm not sure that it's the transfer that PhD need to make. I think Hello nervous is a fantastic goalkeeper if the hair is better than him. I mean, that's totally your opinion. But I feel like PSG needs to focus more in terms of their midfield and in terms of their defense because one thing I've said about PSG is defenses. I don't feel any like any way like scale of this PhD defense they don't have their silver anymore. They don't have their Denny Elvis, it's not a very threatening defense and in terms of their midfield, exact same to them they need to strengthen their midfield because at the moment I wouldn't say there's anyone at the top of their game in the world at the moment may be the bass player in the midfield from time to time can be de Maria, but he's ancient by now.

So I don't think that that they have putting a big money move for a player like him is the move that PSG needs to make them other areas of the pitch that they do need to strengthen and the last thing they need is about Kaito Nevers and David daheia they need to strengthen because looking at PSG one thing that I feel like defines a good team as you have one of the best in each position. I feel like the perfect example for that is by Munich, they've got levandowski up front then they've got chemic old Thomas Melinda midfield in terms of their defense they've got Alfonso Davies author play comic as a write back, and Manuel Neuer where if I look at PSG I don't get the same vibe. Yes, their attack they've got both in Bombay and Neymar. midfield. I'm not that fast defensively.

But Kenya says okay, he could be a shot but borderline and goalkeeper, nervous I feel like PSG needs to strengthen in other areas. So could this move benefit them? Yeah, surely if they sell nervous for enough but at the end of the day, I'm still not 100% convinced because area load Don't forget, I think he's on loan or in the film. So he's even going to return.

PSG not sure this is the exact move they need to do, but I have faith in porcha Tino, ladies and gentlemen, they'll probably be it for today's write. As I said, I just wanted to give my opinion on this the day of move. Once again, I don't want to get rid of the day. I mean, to be honest, since Rooney I would say de vida has probably been my favorite Manchester United player, but I can't let that stop. I can't be biased about that.

We've still got Dean Henderson so yes, I would be totally heartbroken if David daheia left but it wouldn't be the end of the world considering we have great options after that. David they have once again, thank you so much for everything you have done to Manchester United. Whether this transfer is real or not, I don't know we'll see in I guess six months to 12 months.

But Yo guys as I said that is my opinion on a write once again if you did enjoy it doesn't matter if you agreed or disagreed. But guys once again, hope you have enjoyed it. All the good things, and I'll see you in the next article. Cheers. Bye.



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