Membership Validation Post By @yawjunior: 21/09/2021

in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago (edited)

Hello lovely friends of steemit in world of football community. Am much happy to be going through this process of membership validation to this wonderful community.


What posts do you intend to create in this community?

Since football game is the game of my life, I will love to post any crucial thing or information such as new football rules and regulations, results of matches, fixtures and many more pertaining football, to keep updating the community, since the community's aims and aspirations are geared towards football.

What do you understand by the term content etiquette?

Content Etiquette: In my own opinion refers to the acceptable rules and regulations established by authority to guide or help an individual to develop a good and original content on his or her own, to avoid posting other people's content.

What is plagiarism and how do you intend to refrain from this act?

plagiarism: simply means the practice of copying or using another person's work and submitting or presenting it as your own work without making reference or acknowledging the actual owner of the work, which I stand by this to put before my colleagues in steemit world of football community to deceased from that, because it is a criminal offence, which will land them in punishment when caught.

What do you understand by copyright-abuse?

Copyright abuse: refers to the practice of the usage of copyrighted products or materials such as images, videos, music and many more without the permission of the copyrighted holder.

Where can you find copyright-free images for your posts?

There numerous website that one can find images for his or her post but below show some few website i will like to share with you where you can get copyrighted free images for post to avoid copyrigh abuse, and they includes,, www.creative common,, and many more.

How do you properly cite an image or post. Show the license details as well.

You can cite an image properly by using the code link below;
The code link for citing the address source of an image. [source](image address), and the code link for citing the license of an image.[license](license link).

Below shows an example,




What is the consequence of plagiarism and copyright abuse in this community?

It is clear that when one is caught in the act of plagiarizing he or she will be bind or muted from the community.

In Conclusion

I extend my sincere gratitude to @njaywan for this task, it has really helped me to know more about plagiarism and how to properly cite an image, am grateful and "I am well aware of the rules of this community as well as the norms of steemit and will abide by them at all times"

 3 years ago 

Nice work.

You've touched on everything quite nicely.

Will be validating your membership shortly.

Thank you , but can't wait to be part of this community

Excelent!! Welcome.

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