in World Of Football ⚽4 years ago (edited)


Copyright infringement is the use of a photo/video/material without the owner or copyright holder's permission. In as much as we encourage posts/publications on current happenings of clubs and teams around the world, there are certain copyright issues we must be aware of. Owners of material have certain exclusive rights governing their works. In order to reuse such material, you need to seek their permission or purchase it. Violating such rule is punishable by the law.

As the first rule of our community suggests, members must observe content etiquette. This implies that post content must be original and any images you do not own must be properly cited. This is still a fresh community and we would like to take the time to educate members on observing proper content etiquette here, in order to avoid copyright infringement.

Most of the sites you may be tempted to download images and cite their sources will most likely contain copyrighted materials. All pictures have copyright laws governing them. It is up to the owner of the picture to either waive such right and make it free to use or decide to sell it. Knowledge of the "free-to-use" status of a picture is pertinent if you would want to make such a post within this community and steemit as a whole.

You must also be careful of sites that offer "free" stock photos. Most of the images they offer for free are only for editorial usages. This means that, they cannot be used for commercial/advertisement/criticism posts and as such might not be ideal for this community. Intentional or not, that is a serious offense and you may face the tune of the law.


We made some queries and did some research on some of the sites that offer copyright-free football images. So far, it is pixabay and unsplash that we found a good number of football related content. We therefore encourage members to find their copyright-free images there. We would update this once we find more.

Screenshots of football statistics should be preferably from google.com in order to avoid any restrictions a third party app might have.


Once you have successfully uploaded your copyright-free image, the next step is to properly site your source. It should take a format like this.

  • [source](put the image link here)

Visit this post to see an example of cited images from pixabay.


We encourage original content such as;

  • Posts that include you in your favorite football jersey (kit).
  • Posts that include a video of you on the football field.
  • Posts that include a video of you doing certain drills of football.
  • A creative art/drawing of the sport (favorite player, team,etc)
  • Posts that include you watching a football match, etc.

Now that we have educated everyone here on matters concerning copyright infringement, we would not like to see future posts violating such ethics and will mute your post once we notice such violation.


Thank you for pointing this out Steemit Team.



Leída y asumida toda las reglas sobre las fuentes de las foros y uso de imágenes sin derecho de autor.

Me dedicare a corregir mi error.

Gracias por el apoyo.

Hasta la proxima...

amigos estoy tratando de realizar mi publicación pero no se como usar las paginas para conseguir imágenes que no violen los derechos de autor. me podrían ayudar?

Gracias por tan valiosa información para no cometer errores al momento de tomar alguna imagen o cita de fuentes externas.

Saludos amigos.

Yes i strongly stand against plagiarism...
And i will try to be an active poster in this community...

Esto es fantástico! Me encanta el hecho de que Steemit vuelva a manejarse con el sistema de comunidades! Me apunto a todas las iniciativas!


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