MINI CHALLENGE #1 - What would you ask your favorite player in an interview? / MINI CONCURSO #1 - ¿Qué le preguntarías a tu jugador favorito en una entrevista?

in World Of Football ⚽4 years ago


Greetings everyone,

Thank you to all our members who are assessing this community and are providing tips on how to improve our activities. Kindly visit our community assessment post if you haven't done so yet.

Aside the weekly challenges that will be going on within the community, I will try to present a mini challenge on a daily basis that would hopefully attract the attention of members and also give you some ideas concerning posts you can write within the community.

This will also improve our creativity levels as well as give us some fun and exciting inputs in the comment section.


This is a fairly simple and interesting challenge. We all fancy the idea of meeting some of our football legends/icons. Today let's assume we have actually met them and we are having a friendly chat with them. What is the one thing we would not forget to ask them. Hence the challenge:

  • In the comment below, what is the one thing you would like to ask your favorite player if you met them in an interview?


  • 7 Steem Prize Goes to the most interesting comment. (Subject to increase if we have more interesting answers)

Challenge ends at 23:59 GMT today.



Saludos a todos,

Gracias a todos nuestros miembros que están evaluando esta comunidad y están proporcionando consejos sobre cómo mejorar nuestras actividades. Por favor, visite nuestro post de evaluación de la comunidad si aún no lo ha hecho.

Aparte de los desafíos semanales que se llevarán a cabo dentro de la comunidad, voy a tratar de presentar un mini desafío sobre una base diaria que con suerte atraería la atención de los miembros y también le daría algunas ideas sobre los mensajes que puede escribir dentro de la comunidad.

Esto también mejorará nuestros niveles de creatividad y nos dará un poco de diversión y emocionante entrada en la sección de comentarios.


Este es un desafío bastante simple e interesante. Todos nos apetece la idea de conocer algunas de nuestras leyendas/iconos del fútbol. Hoy supongamos que realmente los hemos conocido y estamos teniendo una charla amistosa con ellos. ¿Qué es lo único que no olvidaríamos preguntarles? De ahí el reto:

  • En el comentario de abajo, ¿qué es lo único que te gustaría preguntar a tu jugador favorito si los conociste en una entrevista?


  • 7 Premio Steem Va al comentario más interesante. (Sujeto a aumento si tenemos respuestas más interesantes)

Desafío termina a las 23:59 GMT de hoy.



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My favorite footballer is Zinedine Zidane.
The question i would ask him :-
"What really happened out there that caused you to headbutt Materazzi and get red carded in the most important match in your career, The world cup finals ?" and
"How did you feel exactly when you were shown the red card?"

 4 years ago 

That's one solid question for an awesome interview @mato445. It was a highlight of his career for sure. Great question, many thanks 😊👌

To Lionel Messi:

If you were President of FIFA, what would you do to improve and promote children's football around the world?

 4 years ago 

Wow, good one. It would be good for the FIFA president to put a lot more focus on children's football. Thanks 😊

Mi jugador favorito es Mesut Özil. La pregunta sería la siguiente:

¿Que se siente haber salido del Real Madrid justo el año que ganan la 10ma?

 4 years ago 

Ooooo nice one, I can only imagine how he felt. I wonder what he would say. Thank you 🙌

 4 years ago 

I admire Eden Hazard.
Would love to ask him whether he would consider returning back to Chelsea. His game was on a whole different level in the English Premier league. Being a die-hard Chelsea fan, i wouldn't want him anywhere but playing for the club once more.

 4 years ago 


Hazard was a great contributor to Chelsea. They would surely want him back. Thanks 🙌

Nienas fitbolmaniacos.

Uno de mis ídolos en el fútbol es el señor Carles TARZAN Puyol. Si tuviese la oportunidad de entrevistarlo o tener una larga conversación con el el preguntaría lo siguiente:

El fútbol de lo ha dado todo y te a consagrado como uno de los mejores defensas en la historia. ¿Hubieses elegido algún otro deporte para lograr tus éxitos deportivos que te colocaron el la paginas de la historia del deporte mundial?

Hasta la proxima...

 4 years ago 

Good one. Many sportsmen try different sports before their main one. Would be interested to hear this actually. Thank you 👌

Christiano Ronaldo has always being my favourite and best player. Hes the Best player in the globe. One question i will ask him is that:
Now that you are the second all time top scorer, Do you think Pelé says these things simply because you’re Portuguese or because he is worried you will surpass him in the minds of football fans as the greatest player of all-time?

 4 years ago 

Pele gave some nice complements. Some may say it is just because he's his countryman. Good one. Thank you 😊👌

thank you too

Favorite player: Ronaldinho

If you were contemporary with Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi, do you think you would be able to surpass their stats and eventually win more Ballons d'Or than any of them?

 4 years ago 

Wow, good one. I'm sure the trio could have given us some great moments in the football world. Thank you 😊🙌

Wow really interesting I must confess, my favorite player is Bruno Fernandes of Manchester United. If I had the opportunity to interview him, I would ask him this👇👇👇

"Since your arrival to Manchester United who have you enjoyed teaming up with?"

 4 years ago 

It would be quite great to know this since he has been the pivot of the team in recent matches. Thank you for taking part

You are welcome @worldoffootball

Special thanks to @njaywan

Well my favorite football player is CRISTIANO RONALDO, who is one of the best in the World.
The one question that I won't forget to ask him will be that:
Do you have anything in mind to go back to Real Madrid or Manchester united? Or is there a chance that you and Lionel Messi play together, either a charity match or some league from same club?❤️

#onepercent #pakistan

 4 years ago 

That is quite an interesting question @haidermehdi, one that if the answer is yes, would draw lots of global attention. Thank you 😊.

Yeah really, One YES would melt the hearts of many ((:

My favorite player is Cristiano Ronaldo.
So my question for him would be :-

What suggestion would you like to give to present as well as future generation players so that they can maintain consistency and fitness , improve skills , passing and shooting that you have been doing since day one in your professional football career ?

 4 years ago 

I would be looking forward to this answer since he is incredibly hardworking and has lots of training drills in mind. A very good one, thank you 🙌

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