in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone,

Is another beautiful day and we give praises and thanks to Allah for all the good things He has done for us.


Another beautiful contest presented by #worldoffootbal for you to tell the world your favorite role in the football world. But before that. It is very necessary to know yourself and your capabilities and what you can do best wherever you find yourself. Though several roles have been listed, I choose the role of a player. But before I start, I want to thank @njaywan for this wonderful contest.

My Role In Football

There are so many roles in football but I choose a player role as my favourite.
Now I will like to talk about who a player is, reasons why I choose player role and also things that player do.

I will say players are the backbones of every football association(team) we find in this world. This is because, a player is responsible to attend training all the time and to train on his own just to make sure that they always make good name for the team.


I started playing football since when I was a kid. Football is in me. I grow up with football. Ever since I was a kid I have football at heart. So I choose as a role because, I look up to so many players up there; example, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Marcus Rashford, Neymar jnr and many others . They are lot of players up there.
So I look at how they are treated, the kind of fame they have in the world and how they are respected in were ever they found them self.

Being a player, you have so many opportunities. Firstly , when you are playing football is at the same time you are exercising your body at the same time and we all know that is good to always exercise your body so that you will be fit.

Secondly, being a player, you have so many freedom and also you make more friends.
Players are just exceptional, I’m using this word because everyone love to see those star players like Messi and Ronaldo. Even though we don’t see them face to face but when ever you see them of TV, there are some excitement in you.

Thirdly, players are well paid and also well recognised in the society, in the national level, everywhere they found themselves.

Since my life in playing football I have some Achievements which I will like to share with everyone.

  1. My basic level in education, I won goal king.
  2. In my high school level I look a cup for my school and at same time I was crown as the best player of the tournament.
  3. Football also makes me to go to places I have never think of going to and also meet a lot people.

There are so many players in this world but I am looking up to the four players I have written on.

Cristiano Ronaldo



You and I know the fame Cristiano Ronaldo has and also the kind of privileges he has as well.
looking at the kind of wages he takes per week is not a small amount. He is benefiting that because he is a player not also that, he also get a lot of allowances when ever he scores goals and also when they win a match. They are a lot of allowances I can’t even mention all and also the kind of sponsorship he has as well.
He benefits from all this because he is player.
These are some of the sponsors of Ronaldo;

1 Nike
2 sumsung
3 Coca Cola
4 k F C
5 Emirates

And I will like to enumerate on Nike.
The kind of sponsorship Nike has with Ronaldo is just nice.
Nike sponsor him with his football boots, training kits and sometimes clothes as well and they also paid him big money for using their products.

I may say the things he buys are not much. Most of the things he uses are from the sponsors.
He being a player, he also has the chance of getting an awards when he always performed very well and there some of the words you can win as a player;
Man of the match, best player of the month that’s in the team that you are playing, also goal king and last but not list, the Ballon d’Or this is the target of all players to have that award. So being a player you have a lot of chances to win awards that are listed above.
Also let’s look at the Ronaldo instagram page, the kind of followers he has and also the kind of money he makes when ever he post a picture or anything on Instagram not only instagram but all the social media and I will confess this; if Ronaldo gave his instagram page to me for me to monitor it just even a day, I bet you is not going to be small money that I will make out of it, So being a player is just the best role in football.

Now I will like to talk about the Brazilian international ( Neymar jnr)



He is one of the players that make me to chose player role than any other in football. He makes football very interesting and loving. Everybody love him and I strongly believe that, you the one reading this also love him because, the way he makes football so simple and interesting.
The way he played football even if you don’t love football, but if you see the way Neymar play football you will start to love football. The way he plays, a lot of youth look up to him and they always want to copy from him and this gives him a lot of fun base. Neymar was the highest paid player in the year 2017/18. So being a player is just the best.

I will also like to talk about Lionel Messi. He is also one of the reasons why I choose player role then any other role in football.



We’re ever he found himself, people love him, people respect him and up to the extent that people cry when ever they see him( tears of joy). Let me tell you one short story about my friend who love Messi up to the extent that he did a tattoo on his chest and the tattoo was Messi and also he said his ready to do anything when ever he saw Messi face to face.
You see the kind of love and affection players have.

Also Lionel Messi is the highest paid player in Laliga. Also people use his jersey to make money. I knows you will look at it to weird but that the real fact I’m telling you. When you go to South Africa, they have store were they have this stars players( the jersey Ronaldo wear himself and his signature is on it, jersey that Messi wear and also his signature is on it as well) and they put it in glass for people to pay and a look it and also feel how the jersey is. So you see how special players are treated.

Now I will also like to talk about my darling boy Marcus Rashford he also one of the main reasons why I choose player role.



Rashford is great player and he an inspirational speaker as well. I couple of weeks back he wrote a book and the book was all about how the guide that will inspire all children to dream big and also those need it most.
He is also a player the youth look up to and a lot of people choose him as their role model and for instance, me too am part of those who choose him as their role model.
Players just have more opportunities. I’m saying this because, Rashford still get attention from the high school he completed. As yourself why do they still give him attention, because he is a star and their proud because they also have their hands in bring him up.
Just couple of months back the high school he completed called him and give a football boot as gift and Rashford was really happy for that gift and the first day he used that boot, he scored a goal and after the match, he thank the school that wonderful gift. You see thats the benefit of being a player but not only the player but a star player.
So been a player you have so many opportunities and privileges and you always get respect and love when ever you found yourself. Also players do advert for companies and also they came in touch with investors mention them they are a lot of opportunities I can’t even mention when it comes to being a player.

I will conclude by saying that, Players play a very key important role in football.
Players make other roles in football to get names or like to get popularity example like coaches, without players, coaches are not well recognised. I’m saying this because, players make coaches to get good names in other words for people to compliment them that they are good coaches.

Players make coaches to get awards that’s if players always win their matches most of the credit goes to the coach and also with that massive performance that the players are putting across, the coach as an opportunity of getting an award.
So all I have to say is that, players play a very vital role in football. I hereby stand that, among all the roles in football, player role is the best suitable and a key important role in football.

Thank you!!!

 3 years ago 

This is a beautiful piece

All these sponsorships for just one person.

 3 years ago 

Woow great entry from your side, Hope you become of the best players you aspire to be. Good luck in your ambition.

Thanks Bro. I really appreciate your comment

That’s a nice post. Players really play a vital role in a teams selection.

Thanks for the compliment bro

 3 years ago 

Wow, you look up to many great players of modern time. That's fantastic.

You seem to have achieved a lot in your own small career looking at your accomplishment.

Also people use his jersey to make money. I knows you will look at it to weird but that the real fact I’m telling you. When you go to South Africa, they have store were they have this stars players( the jersey Ronaldo wear himself and his signature is on it, jersey that Messi wear and also his signature is on it as well) and they put it in glass for people to pay and a look it and also feel how the jersey is.

I didn't know this about our goats. Football really does impact lives huhh

Thank you for your participation.

Once again thanks to u for that wonderful contest

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