Membership Validation Post by @phenomenal1052 : 29/05/21.
What posts do you intend to create in this community?
Am a big fan of football, and I love reading and sharing my opinion about anything football related, on the pitch and off the pitch. On my search for a community where I can share my opinion and read other football fans opinion about football on steemit led me here.
So am excited to be here, what I intend to post are anything related to football, from football news, football transfer and lots more. I will also participate in many contest.
What do you understand by the term content etiquette?
Content etiquette simply means guidelines a writer has to follow in writing their post. These guidelines are the one who guides a writer behavior when writing in order to make a good and legal post.
What is plagiarism and how do you intend to refrain from this act?
plagiarism is the act of copying and pasting another person's idea, write up or creative work and claiming it as one's own without permission or citing the person or source. plagiarism can come in form of naive mistake, because some people might not know what they are doing is plagiarism, but we shouldn't let ourselves be a victim either by mistake or not.
I have done my achievement 3 which is about plagiarism and I have talked about it and used the platform as a form of awareness for people who doesn't know to not fall a victim and I myself have learnt and promised myself not to partake in the act of plagiarism and I warned my recruits
What do you understand by copyright-abuse?
Copyright are legal right given to the author of a work to have an exclusive right of the work and to protect the material from public usuage without authorization from the author.
So copyright abuse is someone using a work that is already protected by copyright law to a author, without seeking authorization from the copyright owner. This act is punishable by law not, just in steemit but also in a law court.
Where can you find copyright-free images for your posts?
You can get lot of free copyright picture for your post in these sites, but remember to cite them when using.
Life of Pix
How do you properly cite an image or post. Show the license details as well.
Here is where some people make mistake, some people just download a picture and cite the website they get it from without proper research and the conditions placed on the picture. So I will gladly love to explain, how to properly cite a picture using a step by step guide.
Since this group is all about football, so I will be using my favorite player picture which is Toni Kroos
All you have to do is just go to chrome Google and search for whatever you need, and click on the image, when you click on image, you will see a lot of image like the example picture below, the funny thing is that most of the results they will give you are pictures that is already copyrighted.
So click on that icon on the left side and you will see the icon option, swipe to the left hand side and you will see the one with 'usuage right' click on it and two options will pop out, which you will click the first one which says creative common.
Then the page will reload and you will get picture that are free to use, click on the one you like, download the pictures and visit the site who posted the picture so that you can copy the link that you will use in citing the image.
SourceLicense details
Make sure you check the license details of the image to read the condition that follow the image.
If you want to check the license details of an image, just click that place where the arrow is
When you click it, you will get this, what this basically says is that you are free to use the image for your own use.
is that you must cite the picture wherever you use it, and if you edit the picture, you must also cite the original picture.
After checking all that if you want to cite the image on your post, all you need to do is copy the link to the site and paste it on your post and edit it like this,
[Source](paste the link here) and you will get something like those under the image I posted.
What is the consequence of plagiarism and copyright abuse in this community?
If anyone partake in the act of plagirism the community @worldoffootball as the right to ban the person from taking part in any activity in this community, and even more necessary action can be taken, because plagirism is like a virus it needs to be contained with serious measure.
Include a photo of yourself holding a sheet that has ; @ yourusername, post date and steemit worldoffootball.
“I am well aware of the rules of this community as well as the norms of steemit and will abide by them at all times”
Cc. @njaywan
Nice work.
Be sure to add the license details of your images so I can validate your membership.
License details added. Thanks in advance, am very happy to be here, and i will do my best to move this community forward.
@njaywan I have done so.