in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago


Greetings everyone,

Lately, I have witnessed that some of our members experience some difficulty in coming up with posts possibly because they might not know how to efficiently produce one. This is more common that you might think and most people become better at writing with time.

In this article, I would like to give a few tips about producing a great post in our community. You can inculcate some of these things in your post to improve your writing.


Football is a very popular sport so most likely, your audience would be looking to hear about your opinion on the subject at hand. If you are just presenting a report on an event for your audience, it will not fetch a proper feedback from
your audience.

However, if you are presenting your article in an interactive manner, it can spark a conversation in the comment section.

For instance, you are writing on a match you witnessed and decided to give your opinion about how things went. That leaves room for you to inquire about other readers though as well. You can tackle the match in two aspects and talk about how you expected the match to have gone as opposed to how it actually went.

You will then see some of the constructive criticisms or opinions others may have to give.


The key to success in the creative world is to be authentic. This means that when we see your work without your name on it, we should be able to tell you wrote it. That is, you have to express yourself in your own way. There is no point in trying to copy what a journalist or writer is doing since they have undertaken training to do so. However, you must look within yourself to find which style you can best convey your message.

At times, it might even be through art or videos that you can narrate a good football story. These are all highly encouraged, it simply must be your own work.

This not only helps you create more content yourself, it also helps to build a strong fanbase since your followers will grow a strong passion for the content you produce and will keenly follow your articles.


The first thing that would draw people's attention towards your post is most likely the title you decide to give it. This is what would make someone decide to even open your post in the first place. If they think it is not a good topic for them to venture, they would most likely stay away from it.

Take for instance, you want to give an account about a football tournament that took place in your locality. Instead of you saying "Football In My Locality" as your title, you may want to take a route that would rather give more details about this tournament.

A more presentable topic could be "City Boys Win Our Nkawkaw Traditional Cup Thrice In a Row. How Did They Do It?"


Images are also a good way to entice your audience and maintain their interest in the subject at hand. This allows your reader to picture what you are trying to portray as it adds great value to your content.

However, in inserting images to your post, you have to make sure it is from a copyright-free site. This is why we are undertaking our membership validation train everyone on this subject matter. Be sure to visit it for all the rules governing our community.

You can find copyright free images using guidance from this post

I am open to any suggestions or questions you have governing this subject matter. Be sure to leave any contributions in the comment section as well.

Thank you for your attention.

 3 years ago 

Muy buenos consejos amigos, gracias por estos grandes aportes que nos van ayudar a realizar un mejor trabajo, cada punto a sido muy valioso para mi leer.


That was very helpful. I will surely put what i learnt from this post into use

Thanks for sharing this buddy.

Very informative and thoroughly exlained. Every point you mentioned is important, that makes any post stand out from the crowd.

Researching the topic, writing without distractions, adding relevant media and resources, formatting the post, and providing something with a “real added value” for your readers are all important steps for building compelling articles.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing this. You’ve suggested some important points to improve post quality.

Interaction, authenticity, using catchy title, adding suitable images with proper source etc surely make a post attractive & different from others.

Gracias. Buena explicación. Saludos.

A very important post for every community member

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