Membership Validation Post by @josepha : 05-05-2021


Greetings to you friends,
I'm @josepha, today I feel so excited to present my membership verification post in this @worldoffootball community. Cheer as you look through my post.

What posts do you intend to create in this community?

I intend to be posting sport news, update, and football related post that will help keep members to up to date on things that is happening in sport and finally I will be participating in contest that is given in the @worldoffootball.

What do you understand by the term content etiquette?

Content Etiquette is a form of good upbringing, or prescribed by authority to that is to be observed in a social or official life. In a nutshell is the customary behavior of members of a profession, business, law or sports team towards each other.

What is plagiarism and how do you intend to refrain from this act?

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else's work like words or ideas without crediting the original author.

I intend to refrain myself from this act by applying the steps below which will help my words to be free from plagiarism:

  • I intend to Use a plagiarism checker before submitting my posting

  • I intend to make sure that I keep a track on what I research on

  • I intend to also use my own ideas in quoting words rather than copying from someone else.

  • I intend to make sure that I give credit to the original author of a
    post word that is not mind.

  • And finally, I intend to make my work original by writing and also using copy right image.

What do you understand by copyright-abuse?

Copyright abuse is the law which forbid the copying and distributing of a piece of writing, picture music or other work that aren't suppose to be share.

Where can you find copyright-free images for your posts?

I do find copyright free image from the sites below:



Creative Common

How do you properly cite an image or post. Show the license details as well.

I do cite my image/post with the given example. At first I I do is to download the image then after downloading the image to my gallery o then cite my image using the method below:

[Source](ppaste the link of the image here)

Note: You must make sure that you copy all the link starting from the https.

Next is how I cite my license below
[License](paste the link to the license here)

The below image show and example of how I do cite and license my image/post with and example of the image I downloaded from pixabay.


What is the consequence of plagiarism and copyright abuse in this community?

The consequence of plagiarism and copyright abuse in the @worldoffootball community stated that; "if any user is found guilty of plagiarism or content abuse the user will be banned from the community and also be place on the "muted" status, after which that person can no longer share any content in the community.

Below is a photo of me holding a sheet of paper with date and tittled steemit worldoffootball.



I'm also greatful to this community, for giving me the opportunity to validate my membership and to this note, "I am well aware of the rules of this community as well as the norms of steemit and will abide by them at all times".

Thank You All......

 3 years ago 

Nice one

The license details of the image is also very important especially for football images. This is usually indicated beneath the copyright-free image of on its side as seen below.


So the image will then be cited as follows. 👇



license details

Noted and thank you so much

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