
Hello Friends,
I'm very much excited to be a partaker of this wonderful Contest as I will be using this great opportunity, in describing what football is to and Aliens from outer space. Now in this post, I will be describing football as a conversation between me and a Alien.

Alien Hello @josepha please I'm a newbie to football, I don't know anything concerning it can you tell me?

My reply A football, is a game of soccer that is being play by two opposite teams with 11 players from each teams including the goalkeeper.

Alien What make the goalkeepers different from other players?

Okay Alien!! Let me describe what is mean by goalkeepers for you.
The goalkeepers are the only players that can throw and catch ball with theirs hands and also shot ball using their feet.The goalkeeper is always at the post to make sure the opposition team don't score goal. Goals is the point mark that is being given to the team that score.

Alien How long those a football game last in a field?

Reply A football is being play for 90minute, having a half and full time of 45minutes each. When a football match is going on it's the work of referee to be checking time and look at of there is any break down of rules and regulations in football. The referee always make sure that there is no foul play and when they is the player will be given either red or yellow card.

Also in a football game we have a captain, defender middle striker etc. The person that train player is known as "Coach." There are some terms used in football like, Upside, Corner Kick, Penalty and throwing.

Thank You..

 3 years ago 

Looks like you had a good and friendly chat with your new alien friend.

Thank you for your participation.

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