Premier league is the best league in the world

The premier league is the most interesting, competitive and arguably the most entertaining league in the world.
From the popular teams, regular teams and the underdogs.
The popular teams have gained prominence over the years, either from past or present glories. They include teams like Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal. The regular teams are those teams that frequently feature in every season. We have the likes of Tottenham Hotspurs, Leicester city, Everton.
And then the underdogs that could also be added to the mix.
To ground it all, the premier league is a joy to watch.

The fans, who were restricted because of Covid19, the commentators, the officials and the players. They all play a different roles in making the premier league outstanding.
The league have been rumoured to be more of physical football, but i won't buy into such rumour because some of the premier league teams have been showing tactical display over the years.
And it's even more rampant now due to the addition of great coaches like Guardiola, Tuchel, Arteta, Ole etc.
These new additions have added more beauty to the league.
They now build teams that don't just play but entertain.
Some of the teams in the league have been making policies as regards their youth system which is worth emulating. They now bring in players from the youth system, add them to the first team, nurture, build their confidence and then watch them become stars of their generation.
One of the reason premier league is far more better than other leagues is that in other leagues you easily and confidently predict the winner and possibly teams that will make top 4, but the premier league is full of surprises. So you have to wait till the last day.
The officials have been the most reliable and the pundits have been doing their jobs exceptionally.
And the idea of using former players as match analyst have been commending because they have more knowledge about the game.
And finally, the records speaks for itself that premier league team have consistently been featuring in the most coveting tournament of all time, the Champions league. Always making it to either the final or semi final.
And this is a true indication that premier league is the best league in the world
From a true Manchester United fan @idken premier league is the best.


🥳🥳🥳yes epl is the best and we won the champions league thanks to the blues

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