Pogba and Manchester United completely tore their faces! The 27-year-old French "core", where is the next stop?

in World Of Football ⚽4 years ago

Pogba parted ways with Manchester United!

His future is confusing. How many teams can take over?

As early as the beginning of this year, Pogba's agent Raiola made a big talk, which made the relationship between the player and the club very tense. Some people felt that the French had reached the brink of leaving the team.

But after the rematch, Pogba played very well. His combination with Bruno once allowed the Red Devils fans to see the hope of revival, and the team also got the Champions League ticket at the last moment.


However, under the influence of various factors, the team's performance so far this season is hard to say, Pogba has also returned to the "normal state", sometimes super god and disappear. At present, the team barely enters the European theater in the Premier League, and was eliminated in the Champions League group stage, and is experiencing a very difficult time.

In fact, there were not many rumors about Pogba a few days ago. Most public opinion accused him of his performance on the court. However, under this calmness, undercurrents were surging. Raiola suddenly stated in an interview a few days ago that Bo The fate of Geba and Manchester United is over.

He said clearly this time, meaning that his client has nothing to talk about with the Red Devils, and it is best to let him leave the team during the winter window, and the two sides should stop entangled.


Although this sudden statement surprised many people, it is not surprising when thinking of the disputes over the past few years.

Countless attempts have proved that Manchester United and Pogba are indeed incompatible. At this time, it is meaningless to blame each other. Manchester United should send him to the team he wants to go to, so as to cash in a sum of money. It is a decent breakup, but this The process should not be short.

One. The type of team Pogba wants to go to

According to conventional thinking, a person at Pogba's level must go to a giant team centered on him. The tactical structure must be built around him, and others must follow his core. But judging from the performance of Manchester United in recent years, this is not the case.


When Mourinho brought him back to Old Trafford, he treated the French as a savior. The stubborn problems of the team's midfielder in the post-Ferguson era have not been resolved, and the lack of creativity has made the team's offensive difficult. In the twilight years, the pig was unable to carry the banner, and Schneiderlin and others appeared mediocre, which made San Dezi determined to bet 100 million pounds.

During his time at Manchester United, Pogba tried almost all the roles of the midfielder, but his serious emotional play prevented him from establishing prestige in the core position. Recently, it was reported that Pogba felt that he should play Bruno's position and did not want to delay scheduling. This was obviously just an excuse, and he did not see how stable his output was when he kicked the game.

So what Pogba really likes is "casual" football, playing a "freedom wingman" role on the field, such as his main left midfielder in Juventus. In a team equipped with commanders, strangling kings, and coverrs, giving Pogba sufficient ball rights and not giving him specific goals can stimulate his greatest potential.


Some people's talents can be completely independent, but under the constraints of comprehensive factors, it is not realistic to expect him to command the three armies. On the contrary, some "condescending" roles can receive unexpected results. Now when Pogba is looking for his next home, he must also know exactly what he wants.

two. Conditions and potential teams to take over Pogba

Judging from the current market situation, Pogba's worth is about 100 million pounds. When the market was extremely irrational in the previous two years, this price seemed ordinary, but this year's situation is very special, and not many teams can afford it. Affordable.

Moreover, the salary of the French is not low. The current weekly salary is about 300,000 pounds, which is the level of 15 million pounds per year. There will be no more than 10 teams in Europe that can give contracts.


Of course, there are some giants who do not lack midfielders, or do not need players of his type, which further narrows the scope of the next home. After the author's careful research and judgment, the teams most likely to take him away are Juventus and Paris Saint-Germain, and the possibility of going to other teams is very slim.

I would like to add that it was rumored that Zidane was very interested in Pogba two years ago, but it is not realistic for Real Madrid to buy him.

First, the Galaxy Battleship is not well-off. According to some reporters, they will have a limited budget next year and it will be difficult for them to beat the storm in the transfer market. Second, the team currently has Modric, Cross, Casemiro, and Erdgau. With Valverde, he is more famous, his type covers all positions, and he does not leave much room for Pogba. If Qi Zu has a little budget, he should find a way to solve the stubborn problems of the center and the center. Geba

Juventus is currently the closest team to Pogba, and Raiola also claimed that he can return to the old woman. Although the Bianconeri executive Paratic was cautious, he did not rule out the possibility of taking over the French. In fact, similar news came out last year, but it ended without a problem, but the current situation is still very delicate.


Pirlo has a lot of midfield players, such as Rabio, McKennie, Bentancur, Atul and Ramsey. They have their own characteristics, but objectively speaking, there is no brain-type organizer. They are fighting each other. The kicks are scattered, and the individual ability is not so prominent.

If conditions permit, the team wants to cash out 1-2 of them and then buy Pogba. Although the Frenchman is moody, his experience at Juventus is worthy of recognition. The current team also needs his talent to enrich the lineup.

Although there is no midfield configuration such as Pirlo, Vidal and Marchisio in the Old Women's formation, these people mentioned above are also considered functional players, and they are fully qualified for the job of playing against the French. The transfer fee of 100 million pounds can be settled by Marotta through selling, and the final cash to be taken out may be 30 or 40 million pounds, which is still acceptable.

Paris has always been in the dark, but they have never stopped buying top midfielders. This year's offseason also had a scandal with "White Pogba" Milinkovic.

Although there are already stars such as Verrati, Herrera, Geyer, Rafinha and Paredes in the team, they have always liked to pile people and they don’t care about one more superstar, and Pogba is the card of the French team. Face-level figures, if they have the opportunity to win, they will definitely come out.


At present, Raiola's tone is very anxious, hoping that Pogba will leave early next year, but this may also be a pressure tactic used by agents. Judging from the current situation, he has a high probability of leaving next summer, so that Manchester United will not lose money, and he will have time to negotiate a satisfactory contract for himself.

three. Pogba's ceiling in the club will not be too high

Since leaving Juventus in the summer of 2016, Pogba has only had a high-light performance in the 2018 World Cup, and the stability shown at other times is not up to the standards of first-line stars. In my opinion, even if he changes to other giants next year, the situation will not change much.


As mentioned above, Pogba can't control the "core play". He doesn't like the feeling of being bound, but under the framework of contemporary football, there is very little room for such players to play.

Even if he can still find the paradise like Juventus back then, at best, he has output as a second or even third boss, and it is impossible to match Zidane at the time, and even the hope of catching up with De Bruyne is very slim.

For Pogba, he has come to the crossroads of his career. The choices in the next few months will directly affect his career. If he takes a wrong step, even the position of the national team will be affected.

Although he has many problems, as fans, we still hope that talented stars can reshape themselves and give the public a more graceful performance.

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