in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago


Greetings everyone, it’s yet another exciting contest in this great community @worldoffootball organized by our hardworking admin @njaywan. A very big congratulations to our winners of the just ended contest. They really deserved it.

This week we have been tasked to give an account on the favorite football memory we have. Wow!! I have always wanted a situation or platform where I can voice out some memories I have with football.


Memories comes in different forms, sometimes we wished we could bring back some memories other times to we never wish some happenings repeats itself again. My favorite football memory isn’t a pleasing one because although is something I can never forget but I do not wish it happens to anyone.
Without beating around the bush I will go straight to the point to keep you out of suspense.




In my early stages of life as a young boy that is some 9 to 10 tens back. I was very interested in football as in very curious to learn how to play football and to perfect my skills. So I tried all my possible best to get the best training. My love for football started from taking part in backyard football training with my friends. This type of training was just simple. A straight line is drawn then we all stand on it the starting moving in the opposite directions until everyone gets a side.

After the selection, we play against each other then return to our various homes when we are exhausted. That was how my love for football started to increase because I could see that day in day out I was improving in terms of skills, stamina and strength. Everything was going on well until one day after our usual training a good friend of mine told me there is going to a be a football match at his area which he will like me to play amongst his team because they were lacking players. It was my first time actually to part take in a professional football match and as young as I was by then. I thought over it and said I will give him my answer the following day. The match was actually three days from the day he invited me. My friend was in the person of Fred, he was older than me so I was imaging the kind of people I will be meeting at the football match. It was just a friendly match though. After thinking over the invite for a day, I had to finally agree to it and join him and his area team members for the friendly match.


The match was slated for evening around 4:30pm GMT at a popular local football pitch as at that time. It was a weekend also that is a good and bad Saturday. I call is both good and bad because it was good in a way that I was exposed to a bigger pitch with fans around and also going to take part in a professional football match. On the other hand kit was bad because it didn’t end with me after the football match.
On that Saturday morning I visited my friend Fred who invited me to take part in that football match. I went to ask him a lot of questions because I was very inquisitive. I had never taken part in such football competition like that before. All he could tell me was that it is just as normal as our usual training just that with this one there are going to be rules and regulations and also a referee and two coaches with a lot of fans. At that moment I started having some imaginations in my head as to how the football match is going to be like.
I quickly returned to my house to get all my kits ready. I had previously washed my football boots and jerseys. So all I had to do was just to look for a bag and pack all of them in. All set it was now time for the football match.

The pitch from my house was a walking distance so I went there together with my friends. That particular day we didn’t have our usual training because everyone wanted watch me on the field.
We arrived at the pitch on time and I was asked to change into my team’s jersey which they gave me. I was a defensive midfielder as at then. So before selection was done for the first half, my friend Fred introduce me to the coach of his team. The coach said they are putting their hopes in me because the position I am to play don’t have a reserve player because they were all injured. He also added that their team is an unbeaten team for that matter I should put in my best so they maintain their record.
At that moment, my heart was beating at a faster rate but I believed to put in all my best. After selection was done we were asked to take our positions on the field and do some small warm up. I was actually the smallest on the field but I didn’t lose courage I still had high hopes that I can deliver my best.

The match finally begun with a whistle from the referee. The first 30 minutes of the match was very intense until I gave a top long true pass to the striker which had a good finishing and ended up in our first goal. It made gain more self confidence in the field and I was able to deliver my very best in the first half.

The second half was not different from that of the first half until a bad incident occurred in the field. I was running with the ball towards our opponent’s pole to get us the second goal until I had a very bad tackle from my back. The defender of the other team came with a lot of speed and crushed me down. My falling down was not on a normal ground but I hit my chest on a rock. I went unconscious at the spot and I was rushed home. Luckily for me my area doctor was around so
I was examined and I gained conscious after some hours later. This happening angered my parents and they warned me never to play football again. From that incident till now I haven’t found myself in a professional football match again. I was looking forward to becoming a great football star but because of that incident my hopes were all shuttered. I can’t really forget that football memory in my life.


I hope my entry on my favorite memory will be considered by our hardworking admin @njaywan and also I hope you enjoyed reading my article.
Thank you very much.

 3 years ago 

That was quite a fall from grace to grass. I would blame Fred for inviting me to play with big boys haha.

But great effort in getting an assist in the game.

Nice memory. Thank you for your participtation.

I much grateful. Thanks for the remarks

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