Contest!!! Favourite Role in Football.

in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago (edited)

Greetings everyone, I'm glad to be part of another great contest brought up by @njaywan and I'm here to also share my views on my favorite role in the football world.


Football as we all know is a big business for most people who deal in it. Some get huge chunks of money for the roles they play in the game especially the players themselves. Even though the profit or the salaries(tokens) each worker takes home differs from one another, it usually happens that they all go home satisfied with big smiles on their faces after they get paid for the jobs they do. To others, football is meant to be for sheer entertainment( well, that's them).


Based on the individual interests of everyone partaking in this contest, I wouldn't be surprised to see most people writing about being a player, manager or a scout or even an agent. I mean, that's totally fair, right? Those are the jobs that carry all the money and fame so it's normal if I go in for one of those jobs too, but nah.
The job I've always admired aside all the known and prominent ones and the one I've always fancied doing is the.....Security Officer(job)! Who doesn't want to feel secure in our world now, huh?

The Roles of The Security Officer

Football as we know it can get tense and full of unnecessary emotions or sometimes necessary ones. These emotions can get so serious to the extent that it always gets the better of some people during the match. Some people are bitter losers, some are teasing winners and all these create the tension and can result in deadly brawls during the match, on and off the stadium.
Well, thanks to the security personnel, most of these actions are being quelled and it always gets better as time moves on. Football should be entertaining and free from violence and these security personnel see to it that everyone is safe and having a great time during the match.
Some fans or spectators can go bananas or get too exhilarant or excited to the extent that they run unto the pitch to meet their idols or sometimes to hurt other players(there has been numerous instances when this has happened). The security though may not be able to stop this initially but makes sure further or impending harm on the players is avoided.


Also security personnel are not just there only for protection but are also part of the first responder team during a medical emergency.
When there's an accident or a fan(spectator) gets ill during the game, the security rush in to assist and perform necessary resuscitation techniques if need be. And also in case of an emergency which ultimately requires everyone to evacuate the stadium(which seldom happens) , the security personnel helps draw the evacuation plan and also makes sure everyone, including fans and staff(players, managers, referees, etc) alike, is safe.


The least qualification for a security guard or officer is a high school diploma and also you must have some training or experience in technology too. A sample resume for a security officer can be found here


You see how sometimes there can be an uproar on the stadium due to maybe a referees decision and you feel that the spectators wish they could get on the park to do something but nobody dares step forward? It's because there is security! Even off the pitch, players, ,managers, referees, etc. resort to security officers for safety or protection from harassments from fans or any other people.
Without security in football, even referees who seem to be in control on the pitch wouldn't have any power because it is normal to think and say not all players will side with the referees actions and it can always end in actions that are brutal. All the comportment on the pitch is due to the fact that there is security on the pitch. I'm not saying there are no reasonable people on the pitch and they always want to cause violence, no, but we should know we are not the same; some people simply break rules because they feel they have to.

Security in soccer

Security personnel in football have a minimum annual salary of $24,680, which is quite something for a common man, though not anywhere close to what the players take; but like I said, it is the minimum salary.

And from the contest description, you are supposed to talk about your yearly goals.
Well, football without security is nothing, and things get better as time moves on in football. So with the help of other security officers (if i was one or perhaps even the leader or boss), we would find new strategies to curb many disgusting acts which go on in the game of football. We would also fortify ourselves in defense and everything you can think of, and all that will be done in a year with the acquisition of the required resources.

So the duties and other personal interests in the job are the reasons I chose to write about it. Hope you like it. Thanks.

 3 years ago 

A very underrated but highly important job in the game. We must give maximum credit to the good work they do on the field. I think it is a decent salary they get though, haha.

Thank you for your participation.


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