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Shoutout to my fellow steemians, and @worldoffootball and @njaywan for creating this contest.

Indeed as as football fan it's a thing of joy to be able to write about the things i love; yes football which am most passionate about.

For the sake of this contest the role i would prefer in as many roles are available is that of a football manager. Ofcourse most times when a team loses it's very easy to put the blames on the coach. It's often the path we football fan takes especially when our team loses, we most times criticizes the coach's choice of selection, or his formation as the reason behind the loss.

Yes in a team i think most often times the football manager often takes much of the blame if things are not going well for the club in terms of getting good results on the football field.

Now one might begin to wonder seeing as the coach takes much of the blame why would i want to take up such a difficult role, well my reasons are well founded.


Well many think the the role of a football manager is a trap and nothing else, because it's filled filled with uncertainties, i mean for us who understand the game of football we know a manager may have a job today only to wakeup the next morning with the sad reality he no longer has a job.

I mean many great coaches is familiar with this experience but for me it's as China mieville once said and i quote "A trap is only a trap if you dont know about it. If you know about it, it's a challenge".

Well for one i love a good challenge and would love to continue and succeed where others ventured and met a roadblock. Because in life if we keep thinking about the mistakes we might make or if we allow a fear of failure to hamper us we would remain stagnant not being able to go after our dreams. It's just as Roy T. Bernnett says and i quote "life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward and savoring the journey".

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Jose mourinho giving his players important inatructions

I for anything would love more than anything to savour the joy that comes from coaching a football club. To live in the moment and take each step at a time with my team.

Also, i think is a thing of joy for a club manager to see his players make improvement based on listening to his lessons. Seeing a youth rise up to the challenge and become and a become a superstar as a result of their naturing(by the coach) is a thing of joy. Just like in the case of Arsene wenger and Fabregas, pep Guardiola and Phil foden,Lampard and mason mount etc.

As a manager you can see the potential in your young players and know how to invest heavily on them, i mean look at kylian mbappe who has already cemented his status as one of the best players in the world, yes granted he has a raw and natural talent but his coaches also play a considerable role to his progress.

When i look at the role of a football manager, i see it as a role that comes with responsibilty. The manager set down the ground rules which the players must follow to remain a part of the team he is building, this entails that the coach also have to set the model and live by examples and by the code of conduct he has set.

To me the the football club manager is like a father of many children, a single parent who has the support of many relatives. But is solely responsible for his children and answers to the club president as a parent is accountable to God.🙇

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Overall, the challenges, the joy, the responsibility and high moral standard a manager has to keep is among the several reasons's i would want to be a manager above any other role the football world offers.


Well for the first year i would love to instill my ideology on my players. To be able to sync with them so we all move simultaneously in one direction.

Would love to have such a mutual bond of understanding with my players so that i could easily walk into the dressing room at half time after a bad first half diaplay and without saying a word, just speechlessly looking at them in utter silence they would have already know what i want from them and what i would have said and be motivated beyond recompense without saying a word.

I would want to create the kind of bond with my players that exist between a loving and displined father and an understanding and obedient children, together we form a bond like a family would.

This is important because i think it would affect their display on the pitch, because if they play for the right reasons they would give their best and work hard together like a family and no doubt produces fine result.

But if their mind is not in the right place they lose focus of what they are playing for and it affects their performance on the pitch.
Because a match is truly won or lost before it even begins.

Check the history of any club, whenever their is war in the dressing room their performances declines on the field of play.


Well the game is filled with great coaches i love. Just like Jose Mourinho, Sir Alex Fergusson, Arsene wenger, Vicent Del Bosque, Carlos Ancelotti, Diego Simeone, Pep Guardiola, Zinedine Zidane, Thomas Tuchel, Hans-Dieter flick.etc time will fail me if i countinue

But in these arrays of great football managers the two i look up to the most is Pep Guardiola and Zinedine Zidane.

I so much respect Pep as a great coach with everything he has achieved, i would love to to have impact on my players like he do, when he arrives at any club he instills what he want in his players, his ideology, his style of play, his choice of formation and choice of players to help achieve his desired result and pattern.
Indeed he is one coach i look up to

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Then Zidane also who is a great coach and like Guardiola one of the greatest coaches of his generation. It would be an error per say to omit his name in any list of the best managers.

Like pep he has the same impact on his players. Is as if he and Real Madrid the royal whites of spain are a match made in heaven. My dream syncing between a coach and his players and Zidanes achievement indeed at all time leaves his critics speechless.

So presently they are two coaches as a manager i would look up to, no pun intended for the other managers.

Yes if Sir Alex Fergusson was still still active believe me he would be in that list, arguably the greatest manager ever to grace the game of football. His contribution not just to his team but football in general cant be forgotten in this generation or that to come. Indeed Sir 👮 we remain the father of all present day coaches to me. He has left a model and big shoe for them to fill and believe some are up for that challenge and doing quite well as i believe i would as a football manager.

This is my humble entry to the contest


Wow.. This is a wonderful write up and great role too. Thanks for sharing

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Always bro

Nice write up bro

Thanks manny😎, appreciated

Great write up ...I really hope u get the coach of you dreams

Well aren't we hoping for the same thing thing then😉

 3 years ago 

Nice entry, great presentation.

Football managers surely play a great role in the world of football. I used to aspire to be one. Who knows, maybe somewhere in future.

Thank you for your participation..

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