Membership Validation by @banapat|| Monday, 3 May, 2021

in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago (edited)

Hello to football friends in this wonderful community. I am grateful to be with you once again to complete my validation post as to how good thing will be done in this community. I am also grateful to be part of this community and also happy for the love and kindness our leaders have shown to us by always making sure right thing is done in this community.


  • What posts do you intend to create in this community?
    As the name of the community is, it is football community so any item posted here should be football related content. I can proudly say that I will not post any content apart from football related content. Things like football analysis, some predictions from matches and other stuffs as far as football is concern.

  • What do you understand by the term content etiquette?
    Etiquette is the rules and regulations of doing something. Content etiquette is about the way or rules that govern how content should be created.

  • What is plagiarism and how do you intend to refrain from this act?
    Plagiarism is the act or the process of presenting someone idea as your own without the person concerned or citing the person. I will make sure that any content I present, if it is not from my own intellect I will make sure I cite the source to prevent myself from plagiarism.

  • What do you understand by copyright-abuse?
    When there is violation of copyright law then there exist copyright-abuse. It is the situation whereby usage right of someone ability or creative work is stolen. When the law that govern people's artistic work, music, choreography etc is abuse then there is copyright abuse.

  • Where can you find copyright-free images for your posts?
    Below links is where you can get copyright-free images and used then to create you content.

  1. Source
  2. Source
  3. Source
  • How do you properly cite an image or post. Show the license details as well.
    To be able to search and cite for image, you need to go to Google and type the kind of image you want for example I want lionnel messi picture. So I will type Lionnel Messi on the search area, then I will click on I images, after the images has displayed I will locate tools and click on usage rite. I will then select creative commercial licence.


Source ||Licence Details

  • What is the consequence of plagiarism and copyright abuse in this community?
    The consequences of plagiarism and copyright abuse in the world as a whole is that you will be arrested by the police or you will be ask to pay some amount of money before you will be released if not you will jail but to apply it to this blockchain platform you will be flagged out and also be banned and muted from this platform. You presence will not be recognized again.


In conclusion I will express my profound gratitude to the leaders in this community for allowing their members to go through this validation process just to educate and prevent their members from plagiarism. "I am well aware of the rules of this community as well as the norms of steemit and will abide by them at all times"

 3 years ago 

Todo lo que explicas lo veo muy y estoy seguro que tendrás tu validación y aportas mucho contenido a la comunidad de valor de fútbol. Saludos amigo

Thank you bro

 3 years ago 

This is excellent.

You tackled everything quite nicely.

Thank you.

Your membership will be validated shortly.

 3 years ago 

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