Witness Overview (The Backbone of Steem Blockchain)

in STEEM INDONESIA4 months ago

It is a pleasure to participate in this contest. After completing my Achievement-5 task 2, I got really acquainted with the steem witnesses and their functions on the platform and the blockchain. Steem overview is a feature on the Steemworld which was created in 2017 by @steemchiller. It gives details of all the witnesses and their roles and rankings on the platform.


Explain what it is, Witness Overview in your own language and show a screenshot of how to select the Witness you choose.

As the name implies, witness overview shows us an overview of all the witnesses on the steemit blockchain. It shows their activities such as Witness, Vote, Votes (MV) , Version, Price Feed, APR, Produced, Missed, Missed % and Url.

To select a witness go to steemworld.org, click on sign in and login with your active key.

Then click on witness overview, this will show all the 250 witnesses on the blockchain. The ones you have voted on will be ticked under vote.

To know more about a particular witness, tap and hold on the witness name and their information will pop up.


And to vote a witness, beside the witnesses name click on the vote box and dialogue box will open prompting you to input your active key. After that you would have successfully voted on the witness.

Does Witness influence the development of Steemit in the future? Explain in your own language.

Yes they very do influence the development of steemit in the future. According to @ubongudofot, a steem witness

is the one securing the blockchain, managing transactions, and making the consensus between the different nodes. These ones collectively decide on the version of steem that is running, they run the Steem server 24/7. Technically these ones are miners.

This explanation alone shows their great importance on the blockchain. Without them there is no future of steemit.

What was your reason for choosing Witness

My reason for choosing a witness varies, I chose steemhistory because he welcomed me first when I joined here. I chose some witnesses because of their wonderful apps and contribution to the blockchain while others was because a specific community made it compulsory.
But overall I support them because there are the backbone of the steemit ecosystem.

Thank you for reading my post to this point. I invite @vudeme123, @rexzitek and @goodybest to participate in this contest.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 4 months ago 

You have written very well on the function of the witness overview. I never knew their importance before now but your post has educated me on their use in the steemit blockchain. I wish you the best of luck in the contest

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