SEC-S15W4 | What is your motivation and pressure in Steemit?

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago (edited)


Hello Steemians, it is a pleasure to be here with you again as I participate in this engagement challenge. Before I start I always like to explain the concept to my readers. As we all know steemit is a platform where users can post quality contents and earn from it. As a result there is a competition, this competition can lead to motivate and pressure depending on the circumstances.

Motivation is a complex phenomenon and a precise definition is disputed. But to put it in a lay man's language, it that state where one is pushed to start or continue in something; or end a particular thing.
Example: you could be motivated to start exercising regularly, be motivated to continue eating health foods or you could also be motivated to stop bad habits like drinking alcohol, smoking etc.
Note that you could also be motivated to do evil.

Pressure in this context is a form of intimidation or being in a state where you are forced to do better at a particular thing.

If you have to be honest! How many hours do you spend on the Steemit platform every day?, What is your average income for the last 7 days? and, Does the amount you get match your expectations?

With all honesty I can not say how many hours I spend for sure because I do not time myself. What I can say for sure is that when I wake up in the morning I first of all check my steemit account before my social media. All through the day I login to my to check if there's any notification or competition I can engage in.

According to my average earning in the last 7days is 24.41 steem which translates to $5.28


What post/content themes do you really mastered and do you enjoy? and if you think your content is very interesting, how will you feel if your work doesn't get upvotes?

I would say I have mastered contents about life and lifestyle. I find this easier to write on as niche because it is something I have experience with. I also admire the diary game because it is easy to write and doesn't require much thinking and processes.
Most time my work doesn't get upvotes. I went on 5 days without an upvote even from teamnewcomer and I was very broken. I contacted @goodybest and she told me that I should not put my mind on votes but rather I should put more effort into my articles quality and also that I should be consistent. That consistency is all that matters on this platform.
Even though that wasn't the response I wanted, I came to the realisation that she was right.

With that in mind, I put work into giving my best and hoping for the best.

How do you motivate yourself to stay consistent on the Steemit platform for the long term

First of all as I said I got the motivation from bigger profiles like @goodybest. She has been here before me and you can bet she knows alot.
Another mentor is @bossj23 who I go to pour my frustrations at times when I feel cheated. He would always call and try to reason with me and make me understand why things happened. It has really been helped in motivating me.
Last but not the least, my inviter and honeypie @vudeme123, she also motivates me to post daily and not to worry about votes. She searches for articles and sends me the links to write on. She's my Mi Coco Mico.

What are the strong reasons for choosing club 5050 or Club100 status?

I chose club75 before but due to harsh economic realities in my country I had to go back to club5050. Being a student can be hard, you could just walk inside school and Billings just beckons on you like a witch with her magic wand. With club5050 I can save part of my money and use part to settle emergencies. Although when there is no emergency I have no reason for withdrawing so I powerup everything.

What valuable items have you bought or want to buy with your Steem earnings?

Well the first thing I got was my cloths. I travelled to another state with just three cloths. But thanks to steemit through votes from steemcurator 01, I was able to buy 5 shirts and 3 joggers.

Thank you for your time reading my post. I hope I have somehow motivated you to keep on steeming. Don't look at the short term benefits. Like I always tell @rexzitek and @comfortpeter whom I invited to the platform, look at the long term benefits. Think towards becoming a dolphin and you'll reap good rewards. Keep pushing hard and climbing no matter how hard it gets.


I invite @uduak01, @mesola and @inspiracion to participate in this engagement challenge.

25% to @null

Achievement 1: Verification through introduction


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

it could be said that you spend your time with steemit, and you get 5 steem in 7 days, and you remain enthusiastic about posting quality posts and interesting content so that @steemcurator01 shares support with you, so you can buy what you want as you wrote above once you get support from @steemcurator01 you can buy 5 shirts and 3 joggers and other needs, thank you for joining this contest my friend.

 5 months ago 

Saludos amigo.

Hes recibido muy buena orientación y los mejores consejos sin duda de Steemian muy experimentados y que bueno que les hagas caso porque eso te dará un mejor crecimiento en la plataforma y más conocimientos.

Ser parte de los club en Steemit es garantía de crecimiento rápido y constante es lo mejor que podemos hacer aquí, si deseamos en el futuro ver los frutos de nuestro trabajo.

Una gran entrada, buena suerte

 5 months ago 

Thank you my dear friend for your kind comments. I really appreciate that you read my post and dropped your view. Thankfully I was able to translate your comment and read.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

En Steemit tener mentores es clave porque, esto nos puede ayudar a comprender mejor el funcionamiento de la plataforma así que, aprovecha al máximo esas asesorías porque, de esa manera tu experiencia en Steemit es más agradable.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Going through your post made me very much motivated.

You really took your time in crafting this piece. All the very best in this contest and thank you very much for the invite. I would endeavour to participate.

 5 months ago 

Thank you dear for your lovely comment. I really appreciate.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences on Steemit. It's evident that you're dedicated and motivated to continue despite challenges. Your honesty about the time spent, earnings, and challenges is commendable. Choosing Club5050 for flexibility in managing your earnings during economic challenges is a strategic decision. Your focus on the long-term benefits and commitment to powering up is commendable. Keep up the great work !

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