Steemit Engagement Challenge - S6W3: My High School Experience my best experience.

in STEEM INDONESIA2 years ago

High school picture


I can boldly say that my high school is where i learnt so many things am doing today. The friends I heard then are till my best friends today. Though there was ups and downs but i enjoyed every bit of my stay during high school.

What things did you dislike in high school?

My High School days was fun , I was given an opportunity to leave on my own away from my parents but I'm happy i did not join bad peer group. But the things I dislike then was to much flogging and some corporal punishment. Cutting of grass and frog jump was the things i also dislike during these days.

What was your horror experience at school?

During this high schools days , one of our mathematics teacher is the master and the general in flogging students so he was the most feared among all the teachers in the school so one day I came to school late with my friends , I tried to explained to the teacher that my friend was not feeling fine that was why we came to school late they man did not give me a listening ear he was busy ranting that is an excuse that we want to use and escape his cane for that day i tried all my possible best to convince this teacher that what i was saying was nothing but the truth still he flogged us but within some minutes after his flogging that my girl friend slumped Omo come see cry in the school that day . That was my very first time to see someone who slumped i was so afraid and was praying along as we took her to a nearby hospital By God's grace she regained consciousness and that was the end of the teacher's stay in that school .

*What was your unforgettable high school experience?

Up till now this story of my friend and how it happened is still fresh in my memory. My dear friend would have been a story by now because of lateness and a teacher hatred on us.

What was your unforgettable experience when you entered high school?

When I entered high school. I was loved by some seniors who took me like their school daughter they always direct me and help in doing some school assignments especially maths, During this time I felt like a big girl because i lived without my parents i was cooking and taking care of myself i have time to visit my friends within the environment where i lived unlike when i was with my parents. When these my seniors that loved me graduated from school I heard an argument with some bad boys though i was not aware that they were bad guys so they planned for me and came to my lodge and collected some of my food stuff and other personal belongings.

What happened to this day that you can't forget?

I lost my fine wrist watch that my uncle gave me that i was using as a big girl then in school. I can't also forget that they forcefully collected some money from my house . But the matter was resolved by the school authorities.

What life experiences can you take in high school?

  • Independent. High school life made me to be independent of any body , that is i can do something on my own with or without my parents or any body's supervision.

  • To work heard. Studying very heard to always be the best is the character i learnt from my high school days and it has helped and is still helping me now.

  • Been involved in things. During my high school days we heard a club called debate and press club this two help me today to be outspoken.


My advice goes to everyone, punishment is not always a solution to every offence . Try to hear out some one before carrying out any punishment. MY high school life has a great impact in the life I'm living today. Is a good experience back then.

Special invite to join this contest

 2 years ago 

Welcome to Steem Indonesia community:@okera-blessing

You are absolutely right that not all punishments have to be physical and it will cause someone to be traumatized in their life or in their future.

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Tag #steemexlusiveYES
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Club Status#club75
Voting CSI15.0 ( 0.19 % self, 212 upvotes, 142 accounts, last 7d )

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support @pennsif.witness - @steemwow
Klik disini

 2 years ago 

Lolz, one of the things i dislike most is that flogging aspect. I hate it so desperately and when the teacher want to do it so well, he calls us out in front of the class to whip us so well whenever we default. You have done well by talking about your highschool experience. Greetings.

 2 years ago 

My dear is so annoying. Thanks for visiting.

 2 years ago 

Estoy deacuerdo la segundaria nos enseña a ser independientes, en cierto modo, pero recuerda que apenas estamos iniciando nuestro camino en la vida. Saludos desde venezuela

 2 years ago 

Sister beautifully you share your school life experience with us. Highschool life is really independent for every students. We all enjoyed that time. Thank you so much for share you story with us. Best of luck. 🥰

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear friend

 2 years ago 

In Nigeria it is impossible to go through high school without receiving any punishment no matter how good you try to be. Not to talk of a boarding school.

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