SEC-S15W2 | Beware of BullyingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEM INDONESIA6 months ago (edited)

desperate-2040598_1280.jpgSumber : Pixabay

Hello good evening Steem Indonesia friends, on this occasion I would like to get involved in this challenge, and share experiences that I have felt, especially about bullying behavior.

"Make friends with perfume sellers so that we will be splashed with their fragrance." So also in this life, make friends with good people so that we can be splashed to be good. Stop Bullying.

bullying-3362025_1280.jpgSumber : Pixabay

1.During your lifetime, have you ever been bullied? If yes, in what form? Physical, verbal, or through cyber bullying. Give us your feedback?

Of course we have, every one of us has experienced bullying. I have felt bullying behavior since childhood when I was in elementary school, when at school my friend named Reza often bullied me physically. He often hit my head when I was focused on writing and doing assignments.

Reza was big, while I was small. Therefore, he felt he was stronger, so he easily bullied me. Reza was also the strongest and bravest person in the class, so many were afraid of him.

I was patient with the bullying, I didn't retaliate because I didn't want to fight. But what the hell, I lost my patience because he had repeatedly hit me on the head. I got angry, got up from my chair and slammed a powerful fist into his chest, followed by a powerful kick to his stomach. Reza was pushed into the wall behind him and fell to the ground.

The teacher and the rest of the class were shocked to see what had happened. Reza was unable to counter the attack, he fell to the floor and whimpered in pain. Reza and I were then taken to the principal's office to reconcile.

In the days that followed, Reza no longer dared to bully me, in fact he was very afraid to confront me. He realized that I, who had been bullied, was not weak despite my small stature.

2.How to equip children to avoid bullying both at school and in their social environment?

20230829_152130.jpgBeing friends with your child, listening to his wishes, speaking softly, hugging him, giving love to your child is the best way to keep him away from bullying behavior.

20230904_123522.jpgBeing friends with your child, listening to his wishes, speaking softly, hugging him, giving love to your child is the best way to keep him away from bullying behavior.

There are two best ways to equip children to avoid bullying:

  • First, education at home, the role of parents at home is very important for children's future behavior. Parents are the first teachers for their children. Starting from the womb until the child becomes an adult. Every day the behavior of parents becomes an example for their children.
    The more good behavior shown to the child, the child will imitate and model that behavior. We can start by teaching our children to love others, love living creatures, give alms to the less fortunate, or help people with disabilities. So that children will love and care for each other more.

  • Second, Socialization at school. As a teacher, I realize that many schools only focus on the process of teaching and learning activities, so there is almost never socialization in schools to prevent bullying. Schools should actively provide socialization about the dangers of bullying, socialize the adverse effects of bullying, then strict rules for bullying perpetrators. So that in the future there will be no more bad behavior towards fellow students at school.

3.Give your opinion on how to overcome bullying either physically, verbally or through cyber bullying

Inviting children to eat, listening to their wishes, talking more deeply with them, being humorous with children are efforts to prevent bullying

Inviting children to eat, listening to their wishes, talking more deeply with them, being humorous with children are efforts to prevent bullying

My opinion on how to deal with bullying is very simple, which is to stay away from people who behave badly, whether it's to you or behave badly to others. Stay away from people who like to talk about other people's bad behavior.

Do you still remember? There is a saying, "make friends with the perfume seller and we will be splashed with his fragrance." Likewise in this life, make friends with good people so that we can be splashed to be good. Stop Bullying.

Let's join in this contest @radjasalman, @lil.albab, @fantvwiki


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 6 months ago 

Semoga kita semua dijauhkan dari prilaku bullying

 6 months ago 

Aminn, terimakasih atas komentar yang baik dan mendukung

 6 months ago 

Aminnn, perilaku bullying adalah perilaku yang merugikan orang banyak, sebagai guru bimbingan konseling disekolah mari lebih aktif dalam mensosialisasikan upaya pencegahan agar siswa tidak melakukan bullying

Bully memang harus dengan gencar kita lawan keras. Tindakan preventif seperti edukasi tentang pentingnya saling menghargai setiap kekurangan orang saya kira harus sering diberikan terutama untuk anak2. Karena bully meski dalam bentuk yang kecil, sering kali menimbulkan efek buruk terutama dalam hal psikologi seseorang.

Tulisan yg bagus. Terimakasih atas undangannya. Saya juga telah menulis artikel serupa

 6 months ago (edited)

Perilaku yang buruk yang merugikan orang lain, berdampak cukup besar bagi psikologis seseorang. Sehingga harus dilawan dan dicegah.

Tentu melawan atau membalas bullying bukan lah perilaku yang tepat, namun solusi yang oaling tepat adalah menjauhi orang-orang yang suka berbuat buruk kepada orang lain.

Terimakasih telah memberikan komentar positif pada postingan ini

 6 months ago 

Your post highlights the importance of addressing bullying and provides valuable insights into how it can be confronted and prevented. Your personal experience demonstrates the impact of standing up to bullies and the effectiveness of setting boundaries. Additionally, your emphasis on the role of parents in educating and nurturing their children to prevent bullying is crucial. By fostering a loving and supportive environment at home and promoting positive socialization in schools, we can create a community where bullying is not tolerated. Thank you for sharing your perspective and I wish you the best in the challenge.

 6 months ago 

Terimakasih atas doa dan dukungan anda, semoga anda juga beruntung dalam semua kegiatan anda. Salam kenal

Dear friend,

Your very experience of bullying in pre primary school is similar to mine, I was always bullied by strong class mates and so become they knew i won't reciprocate because i was small, i only report them to authorities and they're caution.

Your empowerment to educate children about bullying both at home and school is very mandatory, and as well children' should always stay away from people that act unlikely.

 6 months ago 

Pengalaman nya sama namun tidakan kita dalam mengambil keputusan itu yang berbeda. Saya senang anda menyukai cara saya tentang menghadapi bully, semoga anda beruntung dalam kontes ini.

Bullying is an issue in our society that doesn't need to be underestimated again. This is because if it is underrated, it has the capacity to pose a greater threat to our younger generation. And It is absolutely bad. Good luck on your post.

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