Dream of becoming a Steem Representative (SR)

in STEEM INDONESIA4 months ago

made by canva

Hello Steemian!!
How are you all? Hope everyone is well.Alhamdulillah I am fine as well.Today I'm going to participate in the STEEM INDONESIA community in the Season 15 week 5 challenge. Today's topic is:-"Dream of becoming a Steem Representative (SR)"

Do you want to become one of the Steem Representatives? Why and what were your efforts to get elected?


I want to be one of the Steam representatives. I want to dominate the steemit platform. Constantly working on steem to change my position. I work on steemit as a representative to open a new community in Bangladesh and do exceptional work through it. I read representatives' presentations on the steem pod community almost every day. I am also regularly working as a moderator in a community to gain my representation.As a representative I always try to do what I think is necessary.

Mention some of the duties of a Steem Rep that you know and what is the big influence on the growth of steemians and the platform?


A Steem representative has some duties on a regular basis such as:- Reporting their weekly tasks to the steem POD community. They run a curator ID from which small votes are constantly cast on quality full posts. Almost all representatives run a community where they regularly run contests and check their results. I have been working with @harferi sir for quite some time and learned all the rules from him. I know how to create contest post verify and give result. These actions of a representative have great implications for steemian and the steemit platform. A representative guides steemians through which a user can do the right thing thereby helping the steemit platform grow and make a positive impact.

How do the duties and responsibilities of a Steem Representative differ from a community admin/mod on the Steemit platform?


The responsibilities and duties of a Steemit representative are completely different from a community admin or moderator on the Steemit platform. Eg: An admin or moderator works only in the mentioned community. But a representative is responsible for working on the entire platform. One looks at the posts in almost every community every day and mentions the best posts for support. A moderator does much less work than a delegate. A mod only checks his own community posts to fulfill his duties and wants to keep the community transparent, while a representative checks the entire steemit platform for questionable posts. For example, most of the time @adeljose sir, catches plagiarism post on steemit community. Which is possible by a representative but other community moderators or admins do not these tasks. A representatives mentions weekly tasks to the steem pod community but an admin or moderator does not.

Give one example that you think the duties of an SR really help the Steemit Team for the growth of the platform and users, both for the country and globally. (You are allowed to take a screenshot of one of SR's activities, either post or comments narrative and include the link)

screenshot from mobile phone

A sr with a team and single mentions about two posts in the weekly report which earns a big vote from Sec01. A team usually consists of 4 srs who each recommend good posts and provide support. A user is much happier and more interested in working by getting a big vote.Through the representatives we can know all kinds of news and updates of steem which gives us better knowledge about steemit.Every time I see a representative helping us with new blockchain theory too.In one word, a representative does all the work for the progress of steemit.

If you are elected as an SR, apart from carrying out the main duties of the Steemit Team, what new things will you do to help the growth of the platform and users?


If I am selected as an SR I will do new things to help grow the platform and users, in addition to leading the Steemit team. For example I will add steemit to a new site to help grow the platform and users where the site will act like a bot and easily capture Ai writing and plagrisms. Some days ago me and my older brother have been trying to build a site like Tarnet where a community moderator and admin can log in and easily catch posts written by Plugrism and AI. I will develop this site as an SR and make it free for community admin moderators and SRs. I have been researching for this work for a long time now I think I can respond by giving this work on steemit after becoming a sr. Because this work of mine is exceptional.

I would like to invited my friend:-@radjasalman @irawandedy @sailawana

 4 months ago 

Hello good evening my friend, thank you for taking part in this contest, I really enjoyed the contest that you shared, Thank you for sharing with us all the performance of Steem representatives, I think you are the right person to be a representative of Steem or in one of the communities who is on steemit, because I see you are a very active person on steemit, and I pray for you. Hopefully this will be the mood or admin in this beloved community. Thank You.

 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot broo..

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Thanks for invite me..
What a great publication and inspiring post about the contest theme. Just keep it up
May your wish come true..

Greetings and wish you luck..

 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot for your valuable comment ma,am..

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 4 months ago 

Your passion for becoming a Steem Representative and contributing to the growth of the Steemit platform is truly inspiring! Your dedication to dominating the platform and opening a new community in Bangladesh reflects your commitment to making a positive impact. Keep up the great work, and I wish you the best on your journey towards potentially becoming a Steem Representative🚀🌟

 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot sister..

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

It's great to read you and I admire your enthusiasm if it comes to this task. I wonder how much time you intend to invest daily in reading, commenting, searching for really good content no matter the topic or the size of the community next to the other work on Steemit and your real life with its obligations.

For example it already takes me 10 hours to write, edit, next it's reading, commenting, upvoting and answering.

I read many great, really well written content but can't help noticing no one cares about these articles.

The votes go to the biggest communities who "force" those who join contests to reward them with with 10% next to giving that community their great article. Will you really visit each community no matter it's size or fame or if it's selected by Steemit?

Are those articles appreciated or is it all about gathering data? It feels like it if the best rewarded posts are diaries and Q&A, rarely written in an original, creative way.

It sounds to me you are the best man for the job, I hope you always have access to the internet, may inspire people and receive energy by doing this task, if you ask me the help of a bot or some tool is needed to find real creative and original content.

Good luck to you

 4 months ago 

Thanks for your comment..

You are welcome.

Halo @mainuna,

Saya membaca postingan kamu dan wow.. Ambisi kamu untuk menjadi salah satu perwakilan Steem dan menguasai platform Steemit sungguh menginspirasi! Semangatmu untuk terus bekerja keras dan membuka komunitas baru di Bangladesh menunjukkan dedikasi yang luar biasa. Teruslah berusaha dan saya yakin kamu akan mencapai tujuanmu serta memberikan kontribusi yang luar biasa di platform Steemit.

 4 months ago 

Terima kasih untuk komentarmu yang bagus.

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 4 months ago 

Yes I see that you are a moderator in community and I am sure that just like you are fulfilling your responsibilities of being a moderator in communication you would also work very well being a representative at this platform and I think you need more consistency just like me because both of us are now not well experienced to select as a representative for now but it doesn't mean that within some months the situation would remain same and I am hopeful that we would make it possible to be more experienced and more dedicated for this platform so that team would trust on us I wish you success in this engagement challenge.

 4 months ago 

Best comment for me bro.Thanks a lot for your valuable comment..

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 4 months ago 

My pleasure 😊
Keep on shining 🌟

 4 months ago 


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 4 months ago 


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