SEC-S15W4 : "What is your motivation and pressure in Steemit?"

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago (edited)

Created on canva.

Greetings friends.
This is Shaikh Enamul Islam.
From #Bangladesh.

Greetings dear steemain friends. Hope all of you are very well and healthy. Alhamdulillah, I am also very well by the grace of Almighty Allah. STEEM INDONESIA community bring up with a great topic in this engagement challenge which is, What is your motivation and pressure in Steemit? Very interesting topic. I am willing to participate in the contest. Hope everyone will enjoy my blog. So let's get started.

mine.PNGIf you have to be honest! How many hours do you spend on the Steemit platform every day?, What is your average income for the last 7 days? and, Does the amount you get match your expectations?mine.PNG

First of all I want to say that I never thought that I can earn money by just using a mobile and working online. And I think this Steemit platform is the best platform I have ever seen. I can say with full confidence that since I joined this platform I have created a separate time and place to work towards it. I have been working diligently since that beginning. Honestly, there was a time when I spent 10+ hours a day on this platform.

Taken from

And now I have a lot of responsibility on this platform for which my work has also increased. I am happy that in addition to my job, I can give it the right time. You can now tell me a profession. And from here on, my weekly earning is about $ 50 - $ 60. A large part of my earnings come from the Curity Rewards. And since I am in Club5050 , I can use half of the total liquid steam, ie Pseem I need directly. That is estimated to be around $ 6 to 8$ in the current market price.

mine.PNGWhat post/content themes do you really mastered and do you enjoy? and if you think your content is very interesting, how will you feel if your work doesn't get upvotes?mine.PNG

My initial journey on this platform started with sharing art and craft related posts. I had a little more interest in it since childhood. However over time my content creation also started to change and I gradually became more influenced to post diary games. Diary Game Share gave me a different dynamic because then I got a lot of appreciation for Diary Game Share which motivated me even more.

Snap taken from my blog.

First of all, there is no guarantee of votes on this platform, so it is normal that sometimes I may not get votes on a post. But when creating a post takes a lot of effort and time. And when these posts don't get upvoted, it feels really bad. And I faced such a situation in the engagement challenge of the 7th season where I published more than 25 engagement challenge posts but I think I did not get proper support at that time according to my hard work and quality post shares. This makes me reluctant to participate in the next engagement challenge.

mine.PNGHow do you motivate yourself to stay consistent on the Steemit platform for the long term.mine.PNG

The first thing you need to do in order to succeed in a failed endeavor is to be patient. Without patience we easily give up which is our biggest problem and due to which we cannot succeed in any of our work or reach our specific goals. And then what is needed is to build self-confidence and hopelessness. We lose our will to try and we become frustrated and broken.

I too have passed such times in my journey but I have never given up which is a great success for me. I may not have achieved success very quickly but never giving up and working with determination has led me to my specific destination. And the biggest thing is that I go at my own pace, never waste time waiting for anyone. Constantly trying to gain knowledge and use it to push myself towards success and I can now say that I have touched a lot of success.

mine.PNGWhat are the you strong reasons for choosing club 5050 or Club100 status?mine.PNG

I had a strong desire to work in the highest club among the clubs offered by Steemit and I stayed in Club100 for about 1 year. But the fulfillment of human needs can be created at any time as my needs are created. I therefore drop down from the highest club. Currently in club5050 and I am maintaining this club with proper rules. I am thankful that I can use the money earned from this platform whenever I need. I will definitely maintain this series of power ups and increase the steem power of my wallet.

Snap taken from SteemPro.

mine.PNGWhat valuable items have you bought or want to buy with your Steem earnings?mine.PNG

With the amount of steem I earned, I bought the precious thing I needed which is my current mobile. Yes, I buy a new good mobile with my earned steem so that I can do my work on steemit smoothly. My mobile has played a significant role in whatever I have achieved on this platform. I am going to use my earned steem to buy another new item which is a laptop. With it I want to manage both my other essential tasks and Steemit. It will be perfect and easier for multitasking work. So my plan is to buy a laptop very soon with my earned steem.

I really enjoyed this contest . I hope everyone also enjoyed my blog. For this beautiful contest I would like to invite my friends @solaymann @waterjoe , @willmer1988, @msharif, @ripon0630, @pelon53, @suboohi & @goodybest.

Best Regards





Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Greetings dear friend,

Thank you very much for presenting us with a beautiful post.

Dear brother nice to know about your weekly earnings, and saw the screenshot of your earnings there, mashallah now earning is good can keep it inshallah, and you bought a mobile from this earnings which is really a match, seeing this we are earning ourselves. for Encouraged, and motivated to work, I wish you well.

 5 months ago 

It could be said that you spend your days with this beloved platform, namely Steemit, you get high value within 7 days. I think you deserve to get this good value, or that much steem because if you are active or diligent in opening steemit, within 10 hours a day, you deserve it all, and you have bought a lot of things like a new cellphone, and are planning to buy a laptop new, and I pray that what you want will be achieved quickly. Thank you for sharing your content here and good luck in this week's competition.

 5 months ago 

Saludos amigo.

Esto es lo mejor que tiene la plataforma, que no tienen otras, nos brinda la oportunidad de ganar dinero solo por compartir nuestro contenido original.

Además que en Steemit ganas y aprendes de una sola vez, estar en los clubes es una decisión que nos permitirá recoger los frutos en el futuro.

Eres un Steemian muy comprometido y se que seguirás haciendo crecer tu cuenta y siendo ejemplo para los nuevos Steemians.

Bendiciones amigo. Un placer leer tu participación.

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Steemit es una plataforma donde podemos compartir nuestro conocimiento y aprender con el trabajo que realizan otros compañeros por ello, la considero una cuna de aprendizajes o una universidad digital y, aquí es donde tenemos la clara evidencia de que, somos muy afortunados de estar aquí.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Hello, dear friend! It's great to hear about your journey and experiences on Steemit. Spending around 2 hours daily on the platform and earning $50-$60 weekly is a commendable effort. Your engagement in the Diary Game and adapting to changing content creation dynamics showcase your versatility and commitment. Keep up the excellent work!

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