Contest: Unique tradition of indigenous people in my country-part #16

in STEEM INDONESIA8 months ago (edited)

Hello steemians, I will be making a contest here on the topic my unique tradition of my indigenous people. Much love to the organiser @ridwant and the community for bringing such a beneficial contest topic.

About tradition

Traditions here are passed down activities, ceremonies and practices from our forefathers to this very generation. There are certain activities or practices that have been passed down through decades to this generation and because of how beneficial the practices or ceremonies seems the present generate inculcate them to better their life. We all belong to a certain group that practices set down traditions which may be games, ceremonies, Thanksgiving and more. Through research its known that celebrating Christmas is a passed down tradition from generation to generation.
Here in my post is about a well known game passed down from generation to generation.

The Ayo game tradition

The Ayo game is one of the most popular tradition passed down from generation to generation, the game is played by two players with 12 holes and four corners, players involved in game has 12 seeds to play through his or her moving round to pick the opponent's seed.
The game can be set on a wooden board or by making similar holes on the ground, we really enjoy playing the Ayo game here in my country because it was and still a game that defines much about intelligence, patience, hardwork and focus. We make holes on the ground mainly in my community to play the game checking how far one's brain goes, in some cases the game is played to settle cases and crisis between one another.
Our parent really love seeing the children play the game because it sets to improve the brain and its capacity to think fast. The game is one the most known tradition in my place and it's one of the most important positive tradition passed down by our forefathers. Nationally the game is played as competition between the foreigners at large, here serving as a medium of intra relationship between one country to another.
The game Ayo helps to create awareness and desire to win at the end no matter how hard it goes.


Why is the tradition Unique

The tradition is unique one because how worthy and beneficial the game is to the ones living in a rural area. Many families in my country use the game as a result of tacking crisis, injustice at home and in the society at large. The game improves one brain while fighting dullness because it's a mind game.


Thank you for going through my post🥰❤️...


Pictures taken with my redmi10c smartphone



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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