A world without electricity || Impossibility in the Highest Order

in STEEM INDONESIA9 months ago


We have been in this village for more than 10 years without electricity, exclaimed my Cousin. How do you guys survive I asked? We use the sunlight in the day for work while night is for sleep. How do you communicate? Communication isn't important except in case of emergencies.

Just imagine living in a place where the villagers there doesn't know what light is for good 10 years. I would have been long dead. I can't even last a day or two in such a place that's why I barely go to the village. A world without electricity, is it possible in this modern world?

What would happen if the world had no electricity?

Sincerely speaking, life would have been a mess. Some may want to compare ancient times with the current era. It would be very difficult to survive as everything revolves round electricity. To me, phone is electricity. If the phone is down, I'm down financially, physically and emotionally. How? I'll generalize this because it affects almost everyone.

  • In terms of communication, advancement in technology has made life easier for all. Gone are those days letters were posted to our loved ones which usually take days or weeks and can be very stressful and expensive as well. This life has been renewed by the phones and computers we now have of which communication exists in various forms be it text messages in applications or direct call. Without electricity to power these devices, it would be impossible to carryout this means of communication. So without electricity, no communication in this modern world. We would go back to posting letters.
mail-box-3106491_1280.jpgWithout Electricityremote-5491798_1280.webpWith Electricity
  • The drugs we consume and the goods or processed foodstuffs wouldn't have been in existence if there wasn't electricity because all these processed food we eat now, the ingredients we put in our food to spice it up and lot more wouldn't have been available as machines powered by electricity are used to produce these things. So let's just imagine a world where these foodstuffs like spaghetti, indomie, beverages etc aren't there because of electricity.

  • A world without cold drinks and room to preserve our foods using refrigerators is considered a wasteful life. We'll go into the olden days of preserving food.

  • Insecurities would have been on the high because of the absence of alarm systems, CCTV cameras, surveillance systems etc operated using electricity. Thieves operate in dark places.
lamp-2903830_1280.jpgWithout Electricitysecurity-79397_1280.jpgWith Electricity
  • School systems in general would have been debilitating because they'll be papers to produce books, no printed materials for school, no online learning, no research, no exams just doom. I used to imagine how people in ancient times survive without all these.
Can we live without electricity?

The answer is a no for me because me personally I don't know of others, can't stay a minute without phone. If my phone is down probably due to battery problem and no electricity, I'll find the nearest electricity and power it even if it's to pay. We wouldn't have been in schools because they'll be no advanced method of learning like the textbook usage, online materials etc.Who in his right senses will use an ink to inscribe a textbook of 700 pages on a manuscript as did back then?


Sometimes I wonder how the writer of Psalms in the bible wrote such verses without electricity as it would have been typed? People will stay for years without light and they are living comfortably. How do they do it? I can't imagine myself in such places. 70% of activities carried out worldwide is because of electricity..80% of people worldwide can't survive without electricity. No entertainment, no phones, no communication. A lost world I will say.

What do you think, if humans lived without electricity in this era of globalization?

In this era of globalization where technology has taken over the world, it would be entirely difficult for humans to live life comfortably. A lot of people would have remained unemployed, while those employed would have undergone stress they can't comprehend because these machines that made live easier isn't available for use. Just imagine humans are replaced with technologies.


The packaging of pure water into their sachets, the mixing and drying of natural produce for days that would have taken minutes because of electricity problems. We wouldn't have been on this platform because there's no light to power our devices . The ironing of clothes wouldn't have been done the way it is done today with electricity. We'll go back to using coals to iron our clothes.

I can just imagine the wealthy blowing fire_ to generate heat for those box irons which would be used in ironing or they'll just heat a surface on fire and then press it on their clothes which may stain it. Those living with water connected systems in their homes will have to go to the stream or boreholes and fetch water. Even though advancement in technology has made life easier, without electricity it is nothing.

Can we create energy with simple tools in the modern era?

Because of not being dependent on electricity from transformers, machines called generators have been made that runs on petroleum to generate electricity in homes and business places. Businessmen that uses electricity to work will have to run these generators to carryout the work in the absence of electricity.


The only challenge now is that the cost of maintaining these generators and also buying petroleum would be exorbitant making us expend too much. The introduction of solar panels has also proven to be a means people survive without electricity. Many rich men mount solar panels in their homes so as not to be dependent on electricity or generators to light their homes, businesses and the likes of them.

Advancement in technology has actually made life easier for all because the alternatives used in place of electricity is technologically constructed. So just imagine a world without these things. The suffering most are experiencing today would have been taken to the next level. So in conclusion, man can't Basically survive without electricity in this modern world.

I invite @whizzbro4eva, @basil20 and @alejos7ven


 9 months ago 

Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda di komunitas Steem Indonesia dalam kontes menarik yang sudah kamu uraikan. Semoga beruntung kawan.

 9 months ago 


I clearly remember the periods of months we stayed without light due to Transformer issue. It was like am living in a void space. Electricity is really important in human lives. Thanks for inviting me

Indeed without electricity mankind challenge will be more rampant.

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