Free Trading Education!

in Trading2 years ago

Hello fellow crypto lovers and traders! I am new to STEEMIT. I just found the trading communities today. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to make a Dtube channel to help support the blockchain community and free speech. As you know, along with Dtube comes STEEMIT so, here I am. Last week I launched a community called Trader's Guild, I did not know the other trading communities existed. Today, I found them and checked them out. It seems they haven't been used in a while, and now I am doubting if a trading community is worth making here but, I am already in so I'm going to give it a go. I gave a daily update on Bitcoin this morning and want to share it with all of you and instead of rewriting the entire post I am just going to post it here. I hope this isn't breaking any of the etiquette rules...

I will share the pic I used this morning though...


You can read my thoughts about this in my original post.
At the moment I am creating the content to be posted on Dtube, and it may be another week before I start posting videos but, in the meantime, you can enjoy free daily updates.
So, if you like this type of content, drop by the Trader's Guild community and give me a holler.


I joined few days ago too and I'm having the same impression you're having.... I'll be checking your BTC updates

I have found more information on youtube and the internet on how to do things here than I can find here...kinda strange.
Thanks for replying! I hope you like the updates!

This is how it turned out so far today. Hit lower level for a good little trade and now pushing up towards the higher level.


Please who will teach me trading

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58478.70
ETH 3158.37
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43