Hello Steem Abbottabad || Welcome Steemers

in STEEM ABBOTTABAD3 years ago (edited)

Asalam Aliekum Abbottabadio!

This is me Qazi Usama, joined the platform not so long but hoping a bright future for us all ahead. This platform can let us earn and learn about crypto at the same time. But before starting, we must have little knowledge about it. And for that I'll thanks @aneesmalik for providing us this platform where we United can achieve what we were only thinking of!



So welcome to all, help this community to grow stronger💪 by day where we could welcome everyone and make dreams come true !!!

Hoping for best.
Thanks Everyone for reading.
Best regards


Nice to read your post .
Yes we make our dreams true

Nice have a great wish for our community @steemitabbottabad .

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 60813.09
ETH 3389.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52