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RE: What Is My Blog's Engagement Rate?

In average you do receive 10 responds on each post? Burnsteem and so on doesn't count.
If so I wonder how many of them do follow you.
I can not really see my followers or those I follow on my phone which is at times a pain. So I use other tricks to find them back or their posts.

You can be right the interaction here is bigger. I don't use my X or Telegram to chat.

 6 months ago 

If so I wonder how many of them do follow you.

According to my observations, only subscribers leave comments under my posts. It is very rare that someone else comments.

I don't use my X or Telegram to chat.

I don't have my own accounts in any social network except Facebook. I signed up for Facebook a long time ago and used my password many years ago 😆.

However, I have Instagram and Twitter accounts that I run on behalf of Steem.

I have a very old fb too no idea what the password is. I know back then I wanted to cancel/delete it but it's easier to sign up as delete.
Over here mainly elderly use it. We've had our own platform and there still are plus I think writers will join writers.

My Telgram and X aren't used for ... either.

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