Business Opportunity: Why Pay a Salary When Blockchain Can Do It for You?

in Suggestions Club9 months ago (edited)

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One of the constant costs of any company or individual entrepreneur is the salary of subordinate personnel. These can be employees in the company's staff, or employees who temporarily perform certain tasks. The reduction of these costs leads to a decrease in the number of employees or to a decrease in their qualifications. However, modern solutions, in particular blockchain, are able to offer a solution to this problem.

Thanks to the blockchain, the company can lock a part of its investment for a certain time without losing it. Thanks to this, the blockchain will automatically reward your employees.

Let's consider this mechanism in more detail.

What is the Steem Blockchain

Steem is a social blockchain protocol designed to incentivize the participation and the sharing of content in decentralized networks.

One of the most popular platforms on the Steem blockchain is Steemit.

Steemit is a blockchain-based blogging and social media website. Users can gain a cryptocurrency, more specifically STEEM, for publishing and curating content (i.e. posts). Users can also be rewarded with STEEM based on their comments.

In simple words, it works like this. Authors publish posts. Other authors vote on these posts. Both authors and those who voted receive rewards from the blockchain. The size of the rewards depends on how many STEEM tokens are locked in the account voting for the post. The more STEEM tokens locked in a specific account, the more rewards it and the author will receive.

How can blockchain pay your employees?

Let's consider a specific step-by-step scheme.

1. The first thing a company needs to do is create a curation account. At this stage, investment is required, but you do not spend it and can return it at any time. Investment is required to buy STEEM token and lock it in the account.


Let's say you bought 1,1M STEEM, transferred it to your account and locked it by doing a process called Power UP. As of 16.01.2024. your investment will be $258,500, which is significantly less than the cost of a single industrial compressor.

Now your account is able to give 10 votes for 10 different posts every day. The posts will receive about 13 dollars each. Half of this amount will go to the author, and half to your curation account.

2. Each of your employees must create a free Steemit account.

3. At the end of each working day, they publish a report.

3. With your curation account, you reward each report. If an employee worked 20 working days in a month, he will receive $130 from the blockchain. If this is not enough, you need to create a more powerful curation account.

Advantages of this method

  1. You don't spend money and employees will receive salaries.

  2. You don't waste the investment. Purchased STEEM can be sold when the curation account is no longer needed. You will get your investment back.

  3. Your investment is working. The curation account will earn rewards and the amount of your STEEM will constantly increase. Moreover, even if you do nothing, part of the newly generated Steem will be distributed to all users who are holding SP.


There are certain legal risks, because your employees will be doing work without receiving an official salary. Each specific case in each country must be considered separately. These may be employees performing temporary work, subcontractors, etc. You can pay employees an official salary, and blockchain can pay a bonus, etc. This is a field for reflection.

Another risk is that the value of the STEEM token may decline. However, you will save money on salary and earn more STEEM, so even then the losses will be minimal.


This solution can be applied to both large companies and small entrepreneurs. It will reduce or even eliminate your constant salary expenses. It is flexible and can be adapted to different conditions.


The idea is pretty great and at the same time pretty far-fetched. You mentioned it yourself - the legal framework (at least in Germany and some other EU countries, but also in Switzerland or Canada...) does not allow for this type of employee participation. There must be proof of insurance for health, unemployment, pension and long-term care at a level set by the state. Not forgetting taxes. And then there is the widespread rejection of cryptocurrencies on top of that... That could work perfectly well, but it won't... ;-((

 9 months ago 

The world is big. In our country, small entrepreneurs often do not officially register their employees. The state struggled with it, but not to that point now. Moreover, I even know one confirmed case where a person receives a salary in cryptocurrency. Of course, this is done unofficially. Therefore, I think this method may suit someone.

Halloo @oleh

Terima kasih atas pencerahannya bagi saya yang new comer. Melalui steemit ini kita bisa mengelola bisnis sendiri, artinya steemit membuka ruang investasi bagi para investor untuk menanamkan modal ya dia miliki sesuai mekanisme dari protocol steemit blockchain 🙏

 9 months ago 

Yes, I believe that Steem has great potential, but not many investors see it yet.

Every idea was once new and perhaps seemed absurd. I appreciate your idea a lot. However, it is indeed challenging to persuade people. Even here, when I discussed cryptocurrency with a few, they expressed concerns about risks, and I questioned, "What risk? I'm asking you to write; you're not even investing."

Anyway, in your situation, I'd say desperate times call for desperate measures. This idea is certainly worth a try, especially when the company has such an experienced veteran Steem user at their disposal. You can show them the proof. Numbers don't lie.

 9 months ago 

There is no chance that this idea will be tried. My goal is subtle trolling. The company has not paid me and all other employees since last August. The topic of my proposal also concerns the possibility of not paying a salary😆.

"What risk? I'm asking you to write; you're not even investing."

Due to numerous bubbles and fraudulent schemes, cryptocurrencies have earned the reputation of very risky assets. It is difficult for people to understand that in this case they are not risking anything.

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

With your curation account, you reward each report. If an employee worked 20 working days in a month, he will receive $130 from the blockchain. If this is not enough, you need to create a more powerful curation account.

A big problem with an idea like this is there's not such a neat relationship between vote and reward, the employee is exposed to potential downvotes.

 8 months ago 

the employee is exposed to potential downvotes

Yes, I agree, there is no protection against this.

there's not such a neat relationship between vote and reward

If the price of STEEM goes up, then there is no problem. You can simply vote with less power. But when the price of STEEM falls, then difficulties may arise.

Як приємно дивитися на таку повну батарейку!))) Молодець!!! Мені такого нізащо не досягнути - життя завжди вносить свої корективи!)))

 9 months ago 

О, ні. Мені до такої повної батарейки теж далеко. Це була просто ілюстрація для прикладу. Життя справді вносить свої корективи.

Це ж треба! А я так зраділа за тебе!)))

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