SFS Contest | Would you prefer to do shopping with your mother or father?


Good day fellow Steemians, I'm in no doubt you're all steeming greatly. Keep steeming your way up!


Yep! Personally, I would have said I love shopping alone but then they're options, mum or dad so I'm going with my dad. My mum's great, too great at shopping but for some reasons, I will prefer going through all that with my dad.

Shopping is an activity or process of searching and buying goods and services from a particular place or different places. Shopping could be exhausting and it could be fun. For some people shopping makes them real euphoric, for others it's a whole big task they would love to avoid and for me it's both depending of on who I'm shopping with and where I'm shopping.

Why I prefer shopping with my father

My dad's a unique personality, a bit of the typical African man.
I love shopping with my dad 'cause it's timesaving. It's timesaving in the sense that it's more to the point; you need those, you get them, we leave. On the other hand, with my mum it's more like, you need those, thinks of other alternatives, considers it for a while and maybe we get it.

Another time consuming aspect of shopping with my mother is when she gets to see a friend of hers, especially a long time friend. The whole chatting and catching up could make the Guinness records for the longest chatting time. This alone is enough reason to dread shopping with mum.


One other interesting aspect of shopping with my father is there's always a guarantee of having a swell time after shopping. He believes shopping is exhausting so he has a culture of always going out either to a restaurant, the movies, the park or any desired place just after shopping and this is something I always look forward to.


It's extremely cool shopping with either of my parents though I still prefer my father.

Thank you @ashkhan and @SteemFashion&Stylefor organizing this contest. I'm inviting my friends, @bossj23, @uduak3287 and @professorlenz to come and participate.

   Thanks for reading my post
 last year 

Hi dear, thank you for sharing your participation in our community. You have draw a good earning. Best of luck for the contest. But you have less than 5% voting CSI. Please try to support other users and increase your voting CSI, vote Al least 10 posts in a day.

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Thanks for reviewing my post.

I will work on my voting CSI.

And you deserve a Guinness record for making me laugh ....
Thanks for inviting me and good luck on your entry.

It's good to know it made you laugh.
Seems I've found a Guinness Record to break.

I look forward to reading your opinion on this.

It's interesting to know you prefer shopping with your day to your mom. Honestly, shopping with dad is time saving as they'll not really to do selection, bargain price that much and the likes of them. Me personally I love shopping with my dad for the same reasons you got. My mom is great though but dad is much more preferred when shopping.

I couldn't agree more!
Dad's make good shopping partners.

Nice write up boss. I feel like participating in this contest 👀

You should participate.
Can't wait to know who you prefer shopping with.👀

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