Steemit Engagement Challenge-S12W6 | Winter Fashion ChallengesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Fashion&Style9 months ago (edited)

Do you like Winter Fashion? What are your favorite winter fashion items?

What fashion problem you face in winter and how can we overcome them?

How can we keep our skin healthy during winter? Share some tips.

What plannings do you have to keep yourself stylish and warm during the upcoming winter season?



Good day friends it's a pleasure participating in this week engagement challenge in this lovely community, every year that comes time which marks the beginning of the last season in the year this season is normally known as winter season.

To be sincere with you, winter season is one of the best season in a year because it remind me of Christmas and he brings cold and fresh breeze to the atmosphere. Although over here in Nigeria there are no winter season in Nigeria, we experience just cold and hot weather or dry and wet season. Thou some regions in Nigeria experience very cold temperature at this period of time, states like Plateau state and Enugu state experience very cold weather this periods.

Do you like Winter Fashion? What are your favorite winter fashion items?

Even though Nigeria don't have winter season I will still say I like winter fashion, because at this time of the season you see unique dresses or you need dress code by different people in different locations. For example in Jos which is the town in plateau state, citizens in this area cheap sweaters or thick jacket to help resist the cold and dryness the weather comes with.

They are different type of dresses you see this season but all of them has one motive or propose and that is to help resist or prevent cold from entering the body or affecting the lungs and other respiratory organs.

There are so many winter items that I love, there are:

Leather jacket 🧥: These are my favourite type of jacket the first day I saw it I fell for it, in fact one my favourite actors Van Dam usually love wearing the jacket in his movie and that was another thing that made like it.

Scarf 🧣: From day one scarf are really attractive to me mostly especially black and white coloured scarf, I used to have one until it got missing and till today I still miss mine.

Headset 🎧:My love for headsets can't be underestimated in fact in every weather I use my headset because I really love listening to music from them. Headset really Boost the quality of one dressing from day one.

What fashion problem you face in winter and how can we overcome them?

My my biggest fashion profile with winter season is that I won't be able to wear myself less anyhow because the weather full postcode for me or anyone who dresses with light clothes. Also I also love wearing shorts but in cold weather I prefer wearing trousers because short exposes me to code.

Winter season are also known for drying up the skin and making everyone look whitish and dried up, so therefore it's advisable that you rub Vaseline or oily cream that can keep you skin moisturized for a longer period of time.


Cold weathers or winter seasons are known to cause cold runny nose or flu in victims who get too exposed, this flu or cough really makes a lot of people hate the cold winter season. So the best way to avoid such conditions, it's advised that of stay away from cold by all means, you could resist cold by wearing tick clothing or staying in door.

How can we keep our skin healthy during winter? Share some tips.

Because of the hash weather that comes with the winter season it's always advised that we take preventive measures to maintain a heathy skin structure, there are so many ways users can secure or protect their skin from the dryness that comes from the winter season.

• Try staying indoors would really help reduce the exposure to cold because the enclosure would restrain the cold air from touching the skin at all times.

• As I said earlier cold weather dry the skin so much that it might cause opening or crackes on leg or on lips at any period of time, so it's best to rub olive oil, Vaseline or any oily cream on these part of the body

• Winter only affects exposed skin, so therefore it best to wear clothing at all times and at all area including your legs and you head, if possible please also cover your ears with cap or headphones 🎧.

What plannings do you have to keep yourself stylish and warm during the upcoming winter season?

It's advisable that we should wear clothes that can prevent cold, that's to say we should make the safety of our health a major priority, though while keeping ourself far from catching cold we shouldn't overlook our fashion or dressing especially when stepping out.

In this season it's best we wear clothes like overall or hoodies, infact from day one my favorite fashion during cold and dry weather is hoodies because it has a cap and a space to warm up the palms 🤲 at any time.

Also glove's 🧤, long stocking 🧦 and headset 🎧 are also very necessary to put on whenever you are exposing your self, also buying shoes like Eskimo boots 👢 or timberland boots 🥾 would also be helpful.

. Conclusion

Please everyone should stay safe and enjoy your winter season, the winter season could be very good but it could also be bad and dangerous to our skin if we get to exposed. Remember starrchris cares ❤️.

I am inviting my friends @drhira
@okere-blessing @jesaf7


Amazing explanation my friend you are such a awesome and really well explained

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 9 months ago 

Thanks friend 🙏

It's good to know you have plans for winter so as not to be taken unaware. The solutions you've given when faced with winter is actually beneficial, putting on hoodies, staying indoors and not wearing light clothes can help avoid penetration of the cold breeze into our bodies which can cause some damages in our health. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Looking forward to reading more of your posts

 9 months ago 

Yea as the say the earlier the better, thanks for going through.


 9 months ago 

Hola querida amiga muchas gracias por la invitación debo decirte que ya la hice sin embargo aprecio tú mención me gustó mucho tu aplicación sobre todo los gustos que tienes para elegir tu prenda cuando invierno se refiere.

Acá te dejo el enlace de mi publicación

Deseo que tengas mucho éxito y suerte en el concurso.

 9 months ago 

Ok friend I will do justice to your post, thanks for going through.

 9 months ago 

Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge-S12W6 | Winter Fashion Challenge

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When winter comes the weather is always cold, like you said here in Nigeria, only a handful of states gets a little experience to what winter feels like, however with the rainy season comes cold and we still have to prepare ourselves against catching cold so we don't fall sick.

Thanks for participating and good luck, Remember to support others with comments, and votes. Let's make a community.


 9 months ago 

Thanks very much Boss 😃

Thank you for inviting me, I'm not winter season friendly, it gives me cold.

 9 months ago 

😂😂😆😆, I feel Same at times.

 9 months ago (edited)

Saya sependapat dengan tips anda seputar menjaga kesehatan kulit di musim dingin..smoga kita semua sehat dan bahagia..

Thanks udah sharing kontes yang menginspirasi
Salam.dan sukses

 9 months ago 

Yeah I am grateful 🥲 , thanks for going through.

Winter is a fun season especially in your area as it is the time which many people celebrate Christmas which is a festive period. Also it is a cold season which one wakes up shaking from the cold weather. Wearing warm clothes is essential as to maintain ones body temperature.

Let's enjoy the winter season and thanks for sharing with us.

 9 months ago 

Thanks friend for commenting on my post I appreciate.

 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Me encanta tu propuesta para la moda de invierno y, como amante de las bufandas que soy, quedé fascinada al imaginármelas con una hermosa chaqueta de cuero color negra o en su defecto, blanca.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 9 months ago 

Thanks my good friend ☺️

 9 months ago 

This a very good and quality organized content. Indeed we are to prepare well for winter session and shouldn't give excuses of been taken unaware. Good luck 🤞

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