The Debate (Week 14) Students Should Be Allowed to Use Phones in School

in Steem Fashion&Style5 months ago

Since the introduction of mobile phones, there have been this back and forth argument concerning, if kids should be permitted to use phones because most teachers have noticed that it has been a form of distractions among students especially when lectures is going on in class and some use it as a tool to cheat in examination.


But notwithstanding, phone has been the greatest technology known to students and it has really been of tremendous importance in research works and a whole lots of things..

In today’s debate, I’ll be speaking “FOR” the topic: STUDENTS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO USE PHONE

Before going ahead let me invite @rahul989, @adunni and @adeaze

Students should be allowed to use phones in school.


Good day moderators

Panel of judges

Co-debator and

My fellow steemians…

I am here to propose the motion that says “Students should be allowed to use phones in school.” With this following points of mine:

  • Back in boarding school , when we didn’t have access to phones. As a press club student, we were tasked to write the school magazine. In a week, we met almost everyday during morning and evening prep to deliberate on ideas on how to arrange the school magazine format and to gather resources to make a fun and interesting magazine. It got to a point, we started meeting at our teachers house for a proper magazine format. The money and stress was too much. But imagine, if as students we were given access to our phones, all this would have been done at the comfort of our hostels. All we had to do is just to create a WhatsApp group and do meetings. We won’t have to spend money on cyber cafe all in the name of looking for interesting content and ideas to populate our school magazine. We can easily share articles and essays through the group among ourselves and with phones, we can work on our magazine at our convenience, whether is in the midnight, or we are in the toilet or whatever place we find ourselves.


  • Back in that same school, when a senior student mistakenly flogged me on my eyes while he was flogging me, I thought I was going to go blind. I was rushed to the school clinic. They had to plaster one of my eyes with bandage. For a long period of time, I couldn’t see well in day light because of the pains associated with it. The prefect who even flogged my eyes nothing was done to him, just because it was a military school. Even during the holidays when I told my parents about it, they didn’t even take it seriously because I was already healed and my eyes were cleared.
    Let’s imagine if I’d a phone on me in the boarding school and I had cried to my parents that a senior flogged me on my eyes, my parents would have brought that school upside-down once they see the gravity of the injury and the prefect would have been arrested. Phone is something kids should have all the time to communicate to their parents in cases of emergencies or guardians. A lot of times whenever our provision is exhausted, we’ve no way to communicate with our parents to inform them. We’ve to depend on the school food till the the session is over. But, if we had access to phone, we would be able to communicate to our parents to help us out with money and provisions.


  • Ever wondered why kids are so good with computer this days?? It is as a result of giving them access to our phones. Kids this days can do a whole lot of things with phone that we adult can’t handle. So, permitting kids to use phones in school is ushering them into the technology driven world. It broadens their knowledge about gadgets and will definitely be of great help to them when they grow up and also help them to make advanced softwares that could be of help to society.


  • I watch a movie where a kid with speech impediments could only talk through an app device on his phones. Let’s imagine such app is in Nigeria and the gap it will bridge if kids in government are school are allowed to bring in their phones to classes. It will make learning far easier for this kids and also less stress for the teachers.

I hope with this few points of mine, I’ve been able to convince and not confuse you that “Students should be allowed to use phones in school.”


I think it is just as nonsensical to ban mobile phones in schools as it is to regard them as an inexhaustible source of benefits.

Moderation should be the top priority in everything people do. And moderation is exactly what our kids are no longer being taught.

We have a frightening tendency in Europe - thanks to relatively unrestricted access to mobile phones and video games - that children are no longer able to stand on one leg, walk backwards or even climb a tree by the age of 10. Children no longer have any physical awareness or balance - overprotection and digital spam do the rest.

They need a healthy amount of technology, exercise, good nutrition, ethical discussions at eye level and always, really always: emotional comfort and affection.

 5 months ago 

It will be very hard to moderate usage of phone with kids.. my big sis refused to buy phone for her kid, yet this little boy still manages to collect her phone and do stuff with it… it’s like an addiction this days with kids

Give them a more exciting alternative! We've lured every grumpy gnome away from the console with classic scavenger hunts or treasure hunts... ;-))


From your points of view these are practical positive effects of the mobile phone. Well, everything on earth has good uses and bad uses we can only be rationale and make the best decision without being emotional about it.

By this I mean weighing both positive and negative effects and making the best decisions from the result.

 5 months ago 

Yea.. as much as i support the use of phones for kids, there should be a certain level of control especially those ones that are addicted to it..

It might disturb their social life as well…

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