The Debate (no.18); Traditional Schooling vs. Homeschooling: A Debate on Discipline and Education

in Steem Fashion&Style3 months ago


Hello everyone in this amazing community of great minds I'm so excited to be here in this great community, I'm @samuelebuka and I'm here to participate in this amazing contest organized by ever hard working @sahmie who's hard work and dedication has inspired me a lot.

In the age-old debate between traditional schooling and homeschooling, one question stands out: Which system fosters better discipline in students? I am a fan of the traditional schooling system so as an advocate for traditional schooling, I firmly believe that the structured environment of brick-and-mortar schools plays a crucial role in instilling discipline and shaping well-rounded individuals or students.


Traditional schooling provides a more structured framework or activities that guides students through their academic journey. They are taught to obey instructions and also adhering to schedules and deadlines to following classroom rules and regulations, students learn valuable lessons in discipline from an early age. Traditional schooling environment, with its set of routines and expectations, helps cultivate habits of punctuality, responsibility, and respect for authority in students even at an early stage in life.

In addition traditional schools also offer opportunities for students to interact with diverse peer groups and navigate social dynamics. Communication like this also help to foster important life skills such as teamwork, conflict resolution, and empathy, which are essential for success in the real world. As students are engaging with classmates and participating in extracurricular activities, students develop interpersonal skills or even relationships and also learn to thrive in collaborative environments both in the school and beyond.

While homeschooling may offer flexibility and personalized instruction, it may lack the structured environment necessary for building discipline. Without the presence of teachers and classmates to hold them accountable, students may struggle to develop self-discipline and time management skills. And also the absence of peer interaction in homeschooling settings may limit students' exposure to diverse perspectives and social experiences.


However It also important to acknowledge that every child is unique in their own way and what works for one may not work for another. The Homeschooling system can provide a nurturing environment for students who thrive in personalized settings or have specific learning needs. To some families, homeschooling offers the flexibility to tailor curriculum and schedules to accommodate individual interests and also learning styles.


while traditional schooling may offer a structured environment conducive to discipline and also social development, homeschooling can also provide a personalized approach to education. navigating through this debate, it's essential that I also consider the needs and preferences of each and every student. The goal remains the same which is to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. Thank you so much reading through my entry.

I invite @solexybaba @v-brainer @ella-jacob to this amazing contest

Cc; @sahmie


You are claiming that traditional schooling provides a more structured framework or activities that guides students through their academic journey. Yes very true friend. I think this education system has greatly evolved the passage of time .

I pray for your success in the contest.

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much dear friend i totally agree with you that this system has evolved through the passfe of time. Amen Amen thank you so much for your prayers. Best of wishes too dear friend 🙏

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 3 months ago 

You're absolutely right. Traditional schooling does provide a structured environment where discipline and social development can thrive. Homeschooling offers something different too. It allows for a personalized approach to education, tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each student. Ultimately, the goal remains the same: to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a world that's constantly changing. It's all about finding the right path for each student's unique journey.

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much dear friend for reading through my entry. I'm glad you agree with me as regards this topic, this means a lot. Best wishes dear friend

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Hi,I have read your post,it amazing,you really wrote well , I also like how you used specific examples to support your points. Overall, this is a very persuasive argument for the benefits of homeschooling.

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much Ada for your warm review i truly appreciate. Best of wishes dear friend 🙏

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 3 months ago 

Dear @samuelebuka

Bagi negara kita yang masih miskin maka sekolah tradisional tetap pilihan utama. Kita mampu membuktikan kepada dunia bahwa siswa dari sekolah tradisional dan negara yang miskin mampu berprestasi di tingkat internasional.

Walaupun dengan segala keterbatasan dan kekerasan yang kita alami tapi itu bagian dari proses yang menghasilkan generasi tangguh dan tidak manja.

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much dear friend 🙏💗 it's been a long time dear brother I'm glad to hear from you again and alos for liking my entry. Best of wishes dear friend

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 3 months ago 

I love your stand when it comes to traditional school especially when it comes to developing self-discipline and time management skills

 3 months ago 

Wow thank you so much dear brother i just went through your entry too and i must confess that im thrilled by your stands too. Best of wishes dear friend

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